In this tutorial I will show you how to remove the links from the Divi Blog module including the title link, author link, and category link.
How To Move And Highlight The Divi Blog Module Author, Date, Or Category Over The Image
In this tutorial I will show you how to highlight the meta in the Divi Blog module by moving the author, date, and/or category over the image.
How To Create A Horizontal Inline Divi Email Optin Module (With 1, 2, Or 3 Fields)
This tutorial will show you how to style and customize the Divi Email Optin module and make the layout horizontal on one line with any number of fi!
How To Open A Divi Menu Submenu By Clicking Instead Of Just Hovering
In this tutorial I will show you how to open a Divi menu submenu dropdown by clicking it instead of just hovering over it!
How To Make The Logo Taller And Overlap The Divi Menu Module
This Divi tutorial will show you how to make the logo image taller with CSS to overlap the Divi Menu module.
How To Reorder The Divi Blog Image, Title, Meta, Excerpt, and Button
In this Divi tutorial you will learn an easy trick to change the order of the Divi blog grid title, image, meta, excerpt, and button!
How To Increase The Height Of The Divi Builder Icon Picker Area
In this Divi tutorial I will give you a CSS snippet to increase the height of the Divi blurb and button icon picker area to make it easer to select an icon.
How To Style And Customize The Divi Post Navigation Module
In this tutorial, I will show you how to style and customize the Divi Post Navigation module with CSS for navigating previous and next posts and pages.
How To Fix The Divi Theme Builder Post Content Module Width
In this Divi tutorial I will show you how to fix the width of the Divi Theme Builder Post Content module when used with the Divi Builder.
How To Collapse Divi Mobile Menu Submenus
In this tutorial I will show you the best and easiest way to collapse the Divi mobile menu submenus and add toggle icons that look great!
How To Add Decorative Horizontal Lines Beside Heading Text In Divi
This fun and unique tutorial will show you how to add decorative horizontal lines beside heading text in Divi which can be easily customized.
How To Add A Second Line Of Text To Your Divi Menu Items
This tutorial will show you how to add a second line of text to your Divi menu to give extra info or style or to call out menu items in WordPress.