Divi Responsive Helper

Documentation & Support

Automatic Widow Fixer for the Divi Responsive Helper Plugin by Pee Aye Creative

Widow Fixer

Divi Responsive Helper Widow Fixer Settings

Next, enable the toggle called “Widow Fixer” to turn on the feature and to begin configuring the new settings that appear.

Divi Responsive Helper Paragraph and Heading Widow Fixer Settings

Exclude Sections, Rows, Modules

This feature gives you more granular control of the Widow Fixer, allowing you to exclude any section, row, or module. This feature first needs to be enabled in Divi>Theme Options>Divi Responsive Helper>Widow Fixer.

Once the feature is enabled, you need to add a CSS class to the section, row, or module that you want to exclude from the Widow Fixer. To do this, simply open the settings of that element and go to the Advanced tab. There you will see a toggle called CSS ID & Classes. Open that toggle and place the CSS class “exclude-drh-widow-fixer” into the CSS Class input field.

Example Of The Widow Fixer In Action

The GIF below demonstrates how the Widow Fixer feature works.

Divi Responsive Helper Widow Fixer GIF

NOTE: The Widow Fixer is not possible to work within the Visual Builder preview.

Last updated January 22, 2024

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