Navigation Revamp
As promised in our last update, we are working hard to get Divi Carousel Maker to maturity. We still have at least one more major update next month, but today’s update is a huge step forward! This update introduces a huge range of new navigation button and controls settings, more than I can list here. Be sure to watch the video and check out the updated settings list in our documentation.
▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆
New Settings Toggles & Tabs
I mentioned in our 1.1 update that we may be adjusting the settings toggles as we add more features. Due to the extremely large amount of new navigation features in this 1.2 update, we felt it was wise to separate the navigation buttons and controls into separate toggles.

In previous versions, the navigation arrows and dots settings were simple and easy to access, but as we keep adding new settings, we found it necessary to add some organization to the settings. You will now see three tabs inside the Navigation Buttons Settings toggle and the Navigation Controls Settings toggle.
The Common tab in the Navigation Buttons settings has all the shared design settings that affect the overall navigation buttons in general, while the Left and Right tabs includes an icon picker and setting for vertical and horizontal position.

The Common tab in the Navigation Controls Settings has all the shared design settings that affect the overall navigation controls in general, while the Default and Active tabs contain the same settings but for different states, default or active.

You can expect to see more tabs and toggles in the future as we add more features and settings.
New Navigation Buttons Features And Settings
Changed Navigation Arrows To Navigation Buttons
If you are updating from a previous version, just be aware that terminology is now changed for most settings. You will now see “Navigation Buttons” instead of “Navigation Arrows” for setting labels and help text.
Navigation Buttons Type
The biggest change with the navigation buttons is that instead of just arrows, we now have three options to choose from for what type of button is displayed:
- Arrows Only
- Text Only
- Both Arrows & Text

Note that after choosing one of these options, additional relevant settings will appear in the Common, Left, and Right setting tabs.
New Vertical & Horizontal Navigation Button Position Settings
We always had predefined locations for the navigation arrows, like side, top center, bottom left, etc. But now you can fine-tune the exact location of the buttons with new vertical and horizontal navigation button sliders.

Custom Button Text
When you are using either the new Text Only or Both Arrows & Text Navigation Buttons Type options, you can now set the custom text for the button! By default, these say “Back” and “Next” but you can write your own custom text if you want!

Conditional Navigation Buttons
If you turn the Infinite Scroll setting off, then the carousel will have a left and right limit on how far it can scroll in that direction. In order to prevent confusing from users, this setting allows you to give a visual indication that the start or end limit has been reached, and they cannot scroll any farther in that direction. You can choose to hide the buttons completely or change their opacity. This setting only applies when the Infinite Scroll setting is turned off and Navigation Buttons are turned on.
- Hide Buttons
- Change Opacity

Hide Settings When Using Continuous Smooth Scroll
We also are now hiding all the entire Navigation Buttons Settings and Navigation Controls Settings toggles if Continuous Smooth Scroll is enabled, since you can’t use those together. This will hopefully eliminate any confusion.

New Navigation Controls Features And Settings
Terminology Updates
In previous versions, the only type of navigation controls were “navigation dots.” But now we have more options, so just be aware that some terminology is updated. “Controls” are the main term, and there are now different types of controls, including dots.
Navigation Controls Type
The biggest change with the navigation controls is that instead of just dots, we now have three options to choose from for what type of controls are displayed:
- Dots
- Numbers
- Images

Note that after choosing one of these options, additional relevant settings will appear in the Common, Default, and Active setting tabs.
New Navigation Control Dots Settings
We had navigation dots in the original version. But we only had settings to change the color, not much else. Now you have full control over the dots with settings like color, border, width, height, box shadow, spacing, and alignment. These settings apply to either the default or active dots, allowing you to style the active dot differently from the others.
New Navigation Control Numbers Settings
One of the new controls features we added is numbers. This adds a number for each slide in the carousel. The numbers have default and active design settings. You can style everything including the spacing, padding, alignment, font, text size, text color, borders, box shadow, and background color.
New Navigation Control Images Settings
Another new controls feature we added is images. This one is rather unique. It adds an image picker to the settings, and each image is associated with a slide in the carousel. A label is automatically added to the images to indicate which carousel module it is synced with, and these can be arranged as needed. The images have all the same default and active design settings as the dots and numbers. You can style everything including the spacing, alignment, borders, box shadow, height, and width.

Other New Features
Added New Portfolio Module Offset Number Feature
Just like the Divi Blog module and our clever addition to the Divi Shoo module, we finally figured out how to add the offset feature to the Divi Portfolio module. Now you can showcase your projects in the Divi Carousel Maker!

Divi Library & Global Support
Now you can save a carousel as a section or row to the Divi Library as a “global” layout and use it on another page. It works just like other Divi global items, meaning when you adjust the settings at one location, it also updates at the other location. This was a tricky feature to add due to the nature of the plugin, but we think we got it working well now.
Reset Icons On All Settings
This is a minor improvement, but worth mentioning. It’s nice to be able to quickly reset any setting value to the original defaults. I think everything is consistent now!
As with all of our products, every setting and feature of the plugin is well documented! Every time we release a new update, we also have the documentation updated as well! So you can always check there for more information about any of the new features.
Go check out the plugin documentation area for a full list of the design settings, a guide to set up and customize the carousel, and all the other usual resources like FAQ, changelog, roadmap, and more.
Learn More About Divi Carousel Maker
If you are not using this plugin yet, please visit the product page and learn how you can create beautiful fully-customizable carousels of any Divi modules, rows, or sections by enabling a switch in the Divi Builder and adjusting the hundreds of carousel display features and slide design settings!