Divi Contact Form Helper

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Settings List for the Divi Contact Form Helper Plugin by Pee Aye Creative

Settings List

An overview of all available settings and features within the plugin with helpful descriptions on how to use them.
Below is a list of all the custom settings found within the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin. For your convenience, we have listed all the custom settings with their label and descriptive help text for quick reference. Note that additional standard Divi module settings are also included in the module, but are not listed here.

This unique settings list also works as a roadmap and a changelog! Be sure to check the version numbers next to each setting. Items with a green number are already available, and items with a pink number are new features in development or planned and coming soon! As we begin working on new features, we always update the settings list, so be sure to check back often to see what is planned.

Green Version Number = Already In Current Version
Red Version Number = Coming Soon In Future Updates

Theme Options

Some plugin settings are located in the Divi Theme Options. To access these settings, go to the Divi>Theme Options. There you will see a new tab that our plugin adds called “Divi Contact Form Helper.” Once you click on that, you will see more tabs below with various plugin features. Take a moment to browse around the settings and get familiar with what is available.


SMTP Integration


Spam Protection

Custom Text


Some plugin settings are located in the WordPress admin dashboard area. To access these settings, go to the WordPress Dashboard and click on the menu item on the left side called “Contact Form.” Once you click on that, you will see menu items for various plugin features. Take a moment to browse around the settings and get familiar with what is available. We will provide separate documentation guides for each of these features.

Admin Features

Same User Entries 1.0
View other entries from the same user when viewing an entry to quickly see which other messages the same person has sent.

Send Email 1.0
Easily reply to submission entries by sending an email from the backend settings area.

Create Email Template 1.0
Easily reply to submission entries by sending an email from the backend settings area.

Create Post 1.0
Create a new WordPress post or page by mapping fields in the contact form to fields in the post.

Export CSV 1.0
Export form submission entries to CSV spreadsheets for convenient  viewing or backups.

Search Entries 1.0
Use the search bar to find any form entry in the database.

Filter Entries 1.0
Find any entry in the database by using the date and form ID filters.

Forms List 1.2
View a list of all the Divi Contact Forms on the site complete with all the relevant details and action links.

Form Number Of Views 1.2
This feature shows the number of views each Divi Contact Form receives.

Form Conversion Rate 1.2
This feature shows the conversion rate percentage based on the number of views and number of submissions each Divi Contact Form receives.

Contact Form Module

Some plugin settings are located in the default Divi Contact Form module. To access these settings, go to the Divi Builder and add the Contact Form module. When the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin is installed and active, additional custom settings will appear in the module. Take a moment to browse around the settings and get familiar with what is available.


Field Options

File Upload Settings

Date Time Settings

Use As Date/Time Picker 1.0
Enable this option to change this input field into a date and time picker field type.

Date/Time Picker Type 1.0
Choose the type of date and/or time picker field to use.

  • Date & Time Picker
  • Date Picker
  • Time Picker

Date/Time Picker Format 1.0
Set the date and/or time format to use.

Show Date/Time Picker Inline 1.0
Choose to show the date and time picker all the time by default without first clicking into the field to open it.

Set Input With Current Date/Time 1.3
Choose to set the placeholder as the current date/time on page load. 

Show Date/Time Picker Language 1.0
Choose which language to use for the date and time picker text. NOTE: This automatically uses the Site Language set in WordPress General Settings, so there is usually no need to adjust this, but it can be overridden here if needed.

Locale Direction RTL 1.2
Set current locale right-to-left (RTL).

Enable ICS Calendar Sync 1.5
Choose to enable the feature to sync your ICS calendar feed with the date picker field.

ICS Feed URL 1.5
Enter the URL of your .ics calendar feed to sync your calendar with the date picker field to automatically disable dates and times by syncing with other tools using the same .ics URL.

Custom Date Picker Format 1.0.1
Enter a custom date format using your preferred PHP parameters. This will override and take priority over any other date format you have selected.

Week Start Day 1.0.1
Choose the first day of the week in the calendar.

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Disable Week Days 1.2
Select days of the week to disable.

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Disable Weeks Row Number Marker 1.2
Choose to hide the week number marker beside each row in the datepicker calendar.

Disable Past Dates 1.2
Choose to prevent past dates from being selected.

Disable Current Date 1.3
Choose to prevent the current dates from being selected.

Minimum Date Type 1.2
Choose whether to use a fixed or relative minimum date.

  • Fixed
  • Relative

Fixed Minimum Date 1.2
Enter a fixed date to set a limit for the minimum date that can be selected. You must use the Y-m-d date format for this to work. Set 0 for today.

Relative Minimum Date 1.2
Enter a negative or positive number relevant to the current date to set a limit for the minimum date that can be selected.

Maximum Date Type 1.2
Choose whether to use a fixed or relative maximum date.

  • Fixed
  • Relative

Fixed Maximum Date 1.2
Enter a fixed date to set a limit for the maximum date that can be selected. You must use the Y-m-d date format for this to work.

Relative Maximum Date 1.2
Enter a negative or positive number relative to the current date to set a limit for the maximum date that can be selected.

Available Dates 1.2
Enter specific dates that are available to be selected. You must use the Y-m-d date format for this to work.

Unavailable Dates 1.2
Enter specific dates that are not available to be selected. You must use the Y-m-d date format for this to work.

Custom Time Picker Format 1.0.1
Enter a custom time format using your preferred PHP parameters. This will override and take priority over any other time format you have selected.

Disable Past Times 1.6
Choose to prevent past times from being selected.

Minimum Time 1.2
Enter the minimum time limit that can be selected.

Maximum Time 1.2
Enter the maximum time limit that can be selected.

Available Times (Global) 1.2
Enter specific times that are available to be selected for all days.

Unavailable Times (Global) 1.2
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected for all days.

Available Times Sunday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Sundays.

Unavailable Times Sunday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Sundays.

Available Times Monday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Mondays.

Unavailable Times Monday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Mondays.

Available Times Tuesday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Tuesdays.

Unavailable Times Tuesday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Tuesdays.

Available Times Wednesday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Wednesdays.

Unavailable Times Wednesday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Wednesdays.

Available Times Thursday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Thursdays.

Unavailable Times Thursday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Thursdays.

Available Times Friday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Fridays.

Unavailable Times Friday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Fridays.

Available Times Saturday 1.5
Enter specific times that are available to be selected on Saturdays.

Unavailable Times Saturday 1.5
Enter specific times that are not available to be selected on Saturdays.

Time Steps 1.2
Enter the number of minutes to set the interval between the available times that can be selected.

Admin Email

Confirmation Email

Merge Tags

Entry Preferences

Error Message

Submit Button


After Submission Behavior

Spam Protection

Admin Label

Design Settings

Field Label Text

Field Description Text

Success Message Text

Success Button

Error Message

Container Background Color 1.4
Set a color for the background of the error message container.

Container Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the error message container.

Container Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the error message container.

Container Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the error message container with all the standard border settings.

Container Box Shadow Settings 1.4
Add and customize the box shadow for the error message container with all the standard box shadow settings.

Error Message Text Settings 1.4
Customize and style the error message text with all the normal font and text design settings.
Errors List Text Settings 1.4
Customize and style the errors list text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Date/Time Picker

Background Color 1.2
Set a color for the background of the date and time picker.

Margin 1.2
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the date and time picker.

Padding 1.2
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the date and time picker.

Border Settings 1.2
Add and customize the border for the date and time picker with all the standard border settings.

Box Shadow Settings 1.2
Add and customize the box shadow for the date and time picker with all the standard box shadow settings.

Datepicker Width 1.2
Set the width of the date picker.

Datepicker Height 1.2
Set the height of the date picker.

Month/Year Text Settings 1.2
Customize and style the month/year text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Days Of The Week Text Settings 1.2
Customize and style the days of the week text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Calendar Dates Text Settings 1.2
Customize and style the days of the week text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Current Date Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the current date.

Current Date Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the current date.

Selected Date Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the selected date.

Selected Date Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the selected date.

Available Dates Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the available dates.

Available Dates Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the available dates.

Unavailable Dates Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the unavailable dates.

Unavailable Dates Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the unavailable dates.

Timepicker Width 1.2
Set the width of the time picker.

Timepicker Height 1.2
Set the height of the time picker.

Time Text Settings 1.2
Customize and style the time text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Current Time Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the current time.

Current Time Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the current time.

Selected Date Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the selected date.

Selected Date Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the selected date.

Available Times Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the available times.

Available Times Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the available times.

Unavailable Times Background Color 1.2
Set a background color for the unavailable times.

Unavailable Times Text Color 1.2
Set a text color for the unavailable times.

File Upload

Container Background Color 1.3
Set a color for the background of the file upload container.

Container Margin 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the file upload container.

Container Padding 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the file upload container.

Container Border Settings 1.3
Add and customize the border for the file upload container with all the standard border settings.

Container Box Shadow Settings 1.3
Add and customize the box shadow for the file upload container with all the standard box shadow settings.

Accepted File Types Text Color 1.3
Set a text color for the accepted file types.

Accepted File Types Text Settings 1.3
Customize and style the accepted file types text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Accepted File Types Alignment 1.3
Align the accepted file types text to the left, right, or center.

Accepted File Types Margin 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the accepted file types text.

Accepted File Types Padding 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the accepted file types padding.

File Chosen Text Color 1.3
Set a text color for the file chosen text.

File Chosen Text Settings 1.3
Customize and style the file chosen text with all the normal font and text design settings.

File Upload Button Text Color 1.3
Pick a color to be used for the file upload button text color.

File Upload Button Background Color 1.3
Pick a color to be used for the file upload button background color.

File Upload Button Alignment 1.3
Align the file upload button to the left, center, or right.

File Upload Button Margin 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the file upload button.

File Upload Button Padding 1.3
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the file upload button.

File Upload Button Text Settings 1.3
Customize and style the file upload button text with all the standard font and text settings.

File Upload Button Border Settings 1.3
Add and customize the border for the file upload button with all the standard border settings.

File Upload Button Box Shadow Settings 1.3
Customize and style the file upload button with all the standard box shadow design settings.

Signature Pad

Signature Pad Width 1.6
Set the width of the signature pad.

Signature Pad Height 1.6
Set the height of the signature pad.

Signature Pad Background Color 1.6
Set a color for the background of the signature pad.

Signature Pad Pen Color 1.6
Set a color for the signature pad pen.

Signature Pad Pen Thickness 1.6
Set a thickness for the signature pad pen.

Signature Pad Margin 1.6
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the signature pad.

Signature Pad Padding 1.6
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the signature pad.

Signature Pad Border Settings 1.6
Add and customize the border for the signature pad with all the standard border settings.

Signature Pad Box Shadow Settings 1.6
Add and customize the box shadow for the signature pad with all the standard box shadow settings.

Save Button Text Color 1.6
Pick a color to be used for the save button text color.

Save Button Background Color 1.6
Pick a color to be used for the save button background color.

Save Button Padding 1.6
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the save button.

Save Button Text Settings 1.6
Customize and style the save button text with all the standard font and text settings.

Delete Button Text Color 1.6
Pick a color to be used for the delete button text color.

Delete Button Background Color 1.6
Pick a color to be used for the delete button background color.

Delete Button Padding 1.6
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the delete button.

Delete Button Text Settings 1.6
Customize and style the delete button text with all the standard font and text settings.

Message Text Color 1.6
Set a text color for the signature pad message text.

Message Text Settings 1.6
Customize and style the signature pad message text with all the normal font and text design settings.

HTML Field

Wrapper Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field wrapper.

Wrapper Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field wrapper.

Wrapper Background Color 1.4
Set a color for the background of the HTML field wrapper.

Wrapper Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the HTML field wrapper with all the standard border settings.

Wrapper Box Shadow Settings 1.4
Add and customize the box shadow for the HTML field wrapper with all the standard box shadow settings.

Heading Text Settings 1.4
Customize and style the HTML field heading text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Heading Alignment 1.4
Align the HTML field headings to the left, right, or center.

Heading Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field headings.

Heading Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field headings.

Heading Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the HTML field headings with all the standard border settings.

Paragraph Text Settings 1.4
Customize and style the HTML field paragraph text with all the normal font and text design settings.

Paragraph Alignment 1.4
Align the HTML field paragraph text to the left, right, or center.

Paragraph Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field paragraphs.

Paragraph Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field paragraphs.

Paragraph Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the HTML field headings with all the standard border settings.

Link Text Settings 1.4
Customize and style the HTML field linkstext with all the normal font and text design settings.

Link Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field links.

Link Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field links.

Link Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the HTML field links with all the standard border settings.

Image Width 1.4
Set a custom width for the HTML field image.

Image Height 1.4
Set a custom height for the HTML field image.

Image Fit 1.4
Choose how the image should fit within its container.

  • Contain
  • Cover

Image Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field images.

Image Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field images.

Image Border Settings 1.4
Add and customize the border for the HTML field images with all the standard border settings.

Image Box Shadow Settings 1.4
Add and customize the box shadow for the HTML field images with all the standard box shadow settings.

Divider Width 1.4
Set a custom width for the HTML field divider.

Divider Height 1.4
Set a custom height for the HTML field divider.

Divider Color 1.4
Set a color for the HTML field divider.

Divider Style 1.4
Select the type of border style you want to use.

Divider Margin 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the outside of the HTML field divider.

Divider Padding 1.4
Adjust the spacing around the inside of the HTML field divider.

Divider Box Shadow Settings 1.4
Add and customize the box shadow for the HTML field divider with all the standard box shadow settings.

Submit Button


Last updated October 28, 2024
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