Widow Fixer Overview
Why Do We Need This
Ever get annoyed by those pesky single words at the end of a sentence or paragraph that sit on their own line? This happens a lot on Divi sites, especially on mobile, and many users don’t even realize it.
Many Divi users find themselves trying all kinds of tricks to eliminate these widows, including soft-returns, resizing text, or CSS methods that simply don’t work. All of these are ineffective, time-consuming, and make your website design inconsistent and sloppy. That’s why we developed the Divi Responsive Helper, an easy way to prevent widows throughout your website with one click of a toggle.
What This Feature Does
This setting checks your paragraph and heading text (depending which settings you are using) and checks how many words on the last line. It automatically forces the words to match the desired setting. If you set the minimum to no less than three words on the last line, it will automatically bump words down so that there are three words on the last line.
How To Use The Widow Fixer Settings
How To Enable The Feature
To begin using the widow fixer, go to the Divi>Theme Options. There you will see a new tab that our plugin adds called “Divi Responsive Helper.” Once you click on that, you will see more tabs. Click on the “Widow Fixer” tab to begin.Next, enable the toggle called “Widow Fixer” to turn on the feature and to begin configuring the new settings that appear.
Now you can choose which Widow Fixer settings you would like to enable.
To remove widows from paragraph text, simply enable the Paragraphs toggle.
Minimum Number Of Words On Last Line
Once the Pargraphs toggle is enabled, a new setting will appear with a dropdown. This dropdown is the number of widow words you want to allow on each last line of each paragraph text. You can set this to 2, 3, or 4. It is recommended that you use 2 or 3.
The Headings widow fixer works the same way to remove widow words from the last line of heading text. Once the Headings toggle is enabled, a new setting will appear with a dropdown. This dropdown is the number of widow words you want to allow on each last line of each heading text. You can set this to 2, 3, or 4. You can also choose anything you want, but we recommend using caution with this if you have large or short headlines on your website. For example, if you have a large headline with only 3 words, then on mobile there is no physical way to fix a widow of only one word in that context. However, you can use this feature if your site has reasonably sized text with longer headlines (which are good for SEO anyhow).
Exclude Pages
You can also choose to exclude specific pages from the Widow Fixer feature. This gives you more control over your website if you want to avoid using this on any particular page if there is some text on that page that is not ideal for the feature.
Select Pages To Exclude
To exclude pages from the Widow Fixer, simply click on them. All pages marked with a green checkmark are included, and any pages marked with an X will be excluded.
Exclude Sections, Rows, Modules
This feature gives you more granular control of the Widow Fixer, allowing you to exclude any section, row, or module. This feature first needs to be enabled in Divi>Theme Options>Divi Responsive Helper>Widow Fixer.
Once the feature is enabled, you need to add a CSS class to the section, row, or module that you want to exclude from the Widow Fixer. To do this, simply open the settings of that element and go to the Advanced tab. There you will see a toggle called CSS ID & Classes. Open that toggle and place the CSS class “exclude-drh-widow-fixer” into the CSS Class input field.
Example Of The Widow Fixer In Action
The GIF below demonstrates how the Widow Fixer feature works.
NOTE: The Widow Fixer is not possible to work within the Visual Builder preview.