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How To Add Mailchimp Groups To The Bloom Email Opt-In Plugin

Nelson Miller Profile Orange
In this Divi tutorial, you will learn how to easily add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom Opt-In Plugin. Now you can segment and personalize your audience!

▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆

Step 1

In your Mailchimp account, go to “Audience”. Once you get to the Lists page, decide which list you want to add groups to and select it. Click on “View Contacts.”

Step 2

Under “Manage Contacts” and click on “Groups.” Then click the button to “Create Groups.”

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Next, you will see a question, “How should we show group options on your signup form?” Go ahead and leave the first option selected since this will work best and is the option I’m going to be using in this tutorial.

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

First, enter a name for the group category.

Under the category, enter at least one group name. Three come up by default, but you can add or remove them.
Hit the save button.

Step 3

Before we jump into Bloom, we need to double-check on something to verify the fields are showing correctly and to help you understand what’s going on here.

Once again in the audience menu, click on “Signup Forms.” Select the first one called “Form Builder.” Here you will see your form with the fields you chose in step 2 and the groups from step 3.

You will notice the group fields are visible by default. That is very important, and the MUST BE VISIBLE here in Mailchimp (we will hide this later with CSS on your website).

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Step 4

Go to your website and go to Bloom>Email Accounts. The reason you are going here first is so that you can refresh your connection between Mailchimp and your website since you have added the group in Mailchimp.

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Step 5

If you haven’t already, create a new popup style option in Bloom. The most important part here is adding the custom fields. So first of all, go into the optin design settings and toggle on the button to enable “Custom Fields.” 

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Create a new custom field. In the “Field” dropdown, choose the group category that we set up in step 2.

Also be sure to select and check the box beside the “Options,” since this is the actual Mailchimp group and it needs to be selected so that subscribers are automatically added to the group.

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Step 6

Now once you finish up the other design settings for your Bloom opt-in, we are ready to go! Let’s go take a look and see if the custom field shows up.

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Step 7

Now let’s hide the custom field, since it is not necessary for the user to see that and could lead to confusion. We don’t want them unchecking the box, and we don’t really need them to know what group they are in. It also looks bad. So let’s get rid of it with some CSS. Copy and paste the following snippet into your Divi>Theme Options>Custom CSS Box.

.et_bloom_form_container .et_bloom_form_content .et_bloom_custom_field_options_wrapper {
display: none!important;

So then here you can see the CSS removed the custom field Mailchimp group. 

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin

Step 8

As a final step, go back to Mailchimp and confirm everything is working. Submit a test subscriber with the Bloom popup form, and then after a minute or two it will show up perfectly in your Mailchimp audience. To double check the group feature is working (which is the point of this tutorial), go to “Groups” and you will see the test email address. That’s it, you’re all set! 

Add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom optin plugin
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  1. John Sharkey <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

    I can’t get this to work with the bloom “locked content” option, which I would like to, I can use groups to know what content was downloaded. The form shows in blook preview with the custom group fields but not on the Divi page. Do you know why this would not be working?

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi John!

      Please contact the Elegant themes support about the issue. It might be a conflict at their end.


Comments By Others

  1. Debbie Hartin

    Thank you so much for this. You have saved my laptops life as it was on the verge of being launched out the window 🙂

    One question if I may. I have set this up for two forms. It works perfectly on the opt in in bloom – inline and sends it to the right place in mailchimp, but on the optin in bloom – pop up it’s not sending to the different group. I’ve followed the instructions exactly the same. Is it not possible to have it for more than one group?

    Thank you so much again.

  2. Aki

    Thanks for sharing!

    How may I create an hidden signup form location section on Bloom email opt-in?


    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Aki!

      You need to contact the Elegant themes support for the feature request.

  3. Candice

    Hi, this was a very helpful article but I can’t get it to work with the above additional code provided by others when there’s an existing subscriber that uses the form to add them to the group to trigger an automation. Anyone have any ideas as to revisions of the above code to assist with this?

  4. Todd Sherman

    I have discovered another modification that can be made to mailchimp.php to give you the ability to use groups designated as “Hidden”.

    Thus in the original instructions for Step 2 all the way at top of this page, to use Mailchimp groups” in Bloom you can select the last option “Don’t show these groups on my signup form”

    In addition, the “Hidden Field” toggle in Bloom itself is toggled on for this custom field so no CSS is needed to hide this field (Per Step 7 above).

    So why would you want to do this? The main reason is a hidden group ands options selected will NOT show up on the subscribers preferences. On every mail chip email that is sent, the user has the ability to click the preferences link and would see ALL un-hidden groups and can then make changes to those options.

    Before I indicate what modifications I made to mailchimp.php I want to make clear that anytime Divi gets updated it will most likely overwrite this file. So make sure you put a backup of this file somewhere like in your child theme folder and you should always test any new updates or changes to Divi or Bloom in a test environment to ensure your modifications did not get wiped out with the update.

    While there are two mailchimp.php files (One found in Bloom Plugin Folder and the other in the Themes/Divi, the only one used is in Divi. This one to modify is:

    Starting on line 130 in mailchimp.php you will find the following noted below:

    if ( ‘hidden’ === $type ) {
    // MailChimp only allows groups of type: ‘checkbox’ to be hidden.
    $group[‘type’] = ‘checkbox’;
    $group[‘hidden’] = true;

    You then would modify to the following:

    if ( ‘hidden’ === $type ) {
    // MailChimp only allows groups of type: ‘checkbox’ to be hidden.

    $group[‘type’] = ‘checkboxes’; //**NEED TO CHANGE FROM CHECKBOX TO CHECKBOXES***
    $group[‘hidden’] = true;

    NOTE: The last line in the above code did not change. However, I just wanted to point out that when testing that this line is what gives you access to the “Hidden Field” toggle in the ON setting. Thus, this eliminates the need to use CSS to hide the group fields. If this line is commented out or removed, then the “Hidden Field” toggle would be greyed out and the fields would be visible on the form like they are normally as per the original instructions in this blog post above.

  5. Code Creation

    I used to use a plugin called Chimpy to add interest groups from Mailchimp in the signup form, but it was discontinued some years ago. Happy to have found your solution, especially as it is aimed at Divi builders like myself. I actually want my visitors to choose between the interest groups, so I leave them visible.

  6. Frederik


    I am able to get subscribers into MailChimp with “Subscribed via Bloom.”

    But the contacts are not added to the group, eventough I have “Selected” the group in Custom Fields in Bloom Design?

  7. Line

    Hi there. Is there a way to only mask one custom field? I have two types of groups – one that needs to be hidden and one where the user must click the form off by themselves. However, when using the code it hides both of them.

      • Mark Kingsley-Monks

        As Miriam stated, great tutorial; however, I need to show another custom field. Like the majority of people who view these tutorials, I’m no developer, so any help with the CSS code would be much appreciated.

      • Miriam

        Hi Nelson! Great tutorial/blog… exactly what I was looking for.
        You think you could elaborate on your reply? I have the same problem. I want a GDPR checkbox to appear, but the group checkboxes hidden. How can I fix this? Many thx in advance!

  8. Brad Dauk

    Thanks to others who posted in here. I was unable to get the code examples working the way I wanted so I modified it some more. I wanted it to create an opt-in form using the Bloom plugin (or Divi theme) and have it update a Group field in Mailchimp to trigger an automation but I didn’t want it to overwrite the first or last name fields in Mailchimp if the person already existed in my list. I updated the two files below although I think the Divi/core file is the one used for some reason.


    if ( false !== stripos( $result, ‘already a list member’ ) ) {
    $result = $err;
    //The email address is already in the list
    if ( $user = $this->get_subscriber( $list_id, $email ) ) { //Get the mailchimp users info
    if ( ‘subscribed’ === $user[‘status’] ) {
    //If the person is already subscribed then use their already exsting
    //mailchimp name and ignore what was entered in the opt-in form so it
    //does not overwrite but instead only updated other arguments like custom groups
    $name = $user[‘name’]; //returns the mailchimp subs first name
    $last_name = $user[‘last_name’]; //returns the mailchimp subs last name
    self::$_->array_set( $args, ‘merge_fields.FNAME’, $name ); //sets the first name in the arguments sent to the api
    self::$_->array_set( $args, ‘merge_fields.LNAME’, $last_name ); //sets the last name in the arguments sent to the api
    $this->prepare_request( implode( ‘/’, array( $url, $user[‘id’] ) ), ‘PUT’, false, $args, true );
    $result = parent::subscribe( $args, $url );
    //$result = ‘success’;
    } else {
    $this->prepare_request( implode( ‘/’, array( $url, $user[‘id’] ) ), ‘PUT’, false, $args, true );

    $result = parent::subscribe( $args, $url );


    • Brad Dauk

      It’s frustrating that the Bloom plugin doesn’t allow you to add Tags to Mailchimp. Huge limitation. Adding to a group is the next best thing but Keep in mind that when you copy/paste the code above it will likely change all the commas ‘ to a different character which will not work. Best to find/replace these first in a simple text editor to single ‘ so that it’s in php style and runs the first try.

    • Todd Sherman

      Not a programmer and was able to figure out how to make a minor change to help resolve the double opt-in issue. However, I am wondering if you know a way to use TAGS vs Groups in the coding. Tags are the preferred method these days over groups. Ideally Bloom should allow the ability to set tags, since they are unlimited. Without having a field in Bloom to set them I imagine this could be impossible but maybe there is a way to “fake it” by using the groups field in Bloom and redirecting that to a Tag in the coding instead. Otherwise have to use some 3rd party automation like Zapier etc to set tags based on groups. But again not ideal since you are limited to the number of allowed groups in Mailchimp.

    • Todd Sherman

      Curious auto why you wouldn’t want to update the first and last name? Is this cause your opt-in form does not ask for that info?

      Nota programmer and was able to figure out how to make a minor change to help resolve the double opt-in issue. However, I am wondering if you know a way to use TAGS vs Groups in the coding. Tags are the preferred method these days over groups. Ideally Bloom should allow the ability to set tags, since they are unlimited. Without having a field in Bloom to set them I imagine this could be impossible but maybe there is a way to “fake it” by using the groups field in Bloom and redirecting that to a Tag in the coding instead. Otherwise have to use some 3rd party automation like Zapier etc to set tags based on groups. But again not ideal since you are limited to the number of allowed groups in Mailchimp.

  9. Todd Sherman

    One additional comment in regard to Greg Freeman’s post with modifications to the mailchimp.php file. I am not a programmer but I think I know what the issue is. Original code I believe checked to see if you were a subscriber. If so it did nothing. No updates sent to mailchimp. So if you add an “existing subscriber” to your list to a group or new group it would do nothing. The fix proposed sends an “update” to mailchimp to add the group check marked to the existing subscriber. The issue here is if you are using double Opt-in then it sets the subscriber status to “pending”. This results in a new email is sent out asking the subscriber to Opt-In. This will happen if that user is already subscribed to the existing group or is a new group based on what I can derive from the fix and what happens when testing. If the user opt-in via the email then the new group is added to the subscriber or any changes made to any other fields are also updated.

    However, this is an issue. With a mailchimp status of “pending” this effectively removes the subscriber from the list altogether… unless they opt-in again via email.

    So.. how then to handle those that are totally “New” subscribers to a list (never been in the list before or have unsubscribed in past with that email) vs. those that have subscribed and are already in the list (double opted-in already) but are now adding another “group”. To me it should be the following in the code.

    1) Check to see if the user has there status of “subscribed”
    2) IF “NO” then ADD that user and set status to “Pending”, which will cause the double opt-in email to be sent.

    3) IF “YES” then UPDATE the existing user and set status to “Subscribed”, which will just add the new group to an already “subscribed” user and NO email or double opt-in is to be sent.

    • Todd Sherman

      Ok so I played around with the mailchimp.php file. After adding in Greg’s changes, I can resolve #3 by adding the following:

      $args[‘status’] = ‘subscribed’;

      directly above the line:

      $this->prepare_request( implode( ‘/’, array( $url, $user[‘id’] ) ), ‘PUT’, false, $args, true );

      This forces the status to ‘subscribed’ for those that are already existing in the list and any double-opt in settings are bypassed. The Mailchimp record updates and no email is sent to subscriber to confirm.

      I tested this out for both new and existing subscribers.

    • Todd Sherman

      Other option for #3 is to set double_optin parameter to “False” when submitting updates for current subscribers, That would do the same thing, if I only knew how to do it 🙂

  10. Gavin

    This is fantastic, thanks so much for the post!

    Is there is a way to get Bloom to list the Mailchimp group checkboxes in a horizontal row, as by default it lists them in a vertical list, which takes up a helluva load of page space as I have six groups. Any ideas appreciated!


    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hey Gavin,

      I guess the issue is already solved. Please let us know if you know any further assistance. 🙂

  11. Jacob

    Great one! I

    have a quick question.

    I am using Bloom to create popup opt-in and once they subscribe, I would like to send automatic pdf download to them. I am connecting bloom with my mailchimp, how can I achieve this?

    I see either show success message or redirect to new link but the problem with redirect new link is that it opens on same window.


  12. Vanessa

    Even though I have checked the box next to the email group in the custom field, it isn’t checking the box on the popup for that group. The groups are showing on the popup in the preview but it isn’t checking the group box that I need. Any ideas? I was able to hide the boxes with the code, just not check the group box. Thanks!

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      It’s very behavior as we are not able to replicate this on our end. Please provide the URL where you have placed the form so that we can check if it is working or not.

  13. Rana


    I recently used your code to help mask the groups on one opt in form on my Divi site but when I’ve created a second group I cannot get the code to mask the group name(s) on the opt in form.

    I have tried pasting the code in again on the Custom CSS box in Theme Options – but no success.

    Can you please help as it is now driving me crazy!

    Thank you!


      • Rana

        The popup is on the site now (you should have the URL) – Home Page and About – Do let me know if you find anything. And thank you.

  14. Mike Edwards

    Thanks for this post!! Your solution works perfectly! 😀

  15. Joni

    thanks for taking the time to do this. Made it much easier!

  16. Rebecca

    Does this update a excising subscriber on mailchimp or does it “only” add new ones?
    If he subscriber are on other groups in the same mailchimp list but not on this specific group for this pop up

      • Tom Roberts

        Nice post Nelson. I’ve done this successfully, however, it appears that it only add’s new subscribers. If I have a test subscriber that is in another group, it doesn’t seem to update that subscriber. Am I missing something here? Would appreciate your thoughts on this.

      • Greg Freeman

        Hi Tom. For the next person who comes across this. It does require a code change otherwise Bloom will not update Mailchimp correctly when an “existing subscriber” submits another opt-in form.

        So if you use the workaround for mailchimp groups described in this post, it only works the first time the subscriber opts in.

        This is not what you want.

        You want the groups the be updated each time.

        The files you need to change are


        In my tests, only the MailChimp.php file in the Divi theme folder itself was used, but I’m listing both here for completeness.

        The code you need to change is around line 323 and looks like this:

        if ( false !== stripos( $result, 'already a list member' ) ) {
           $result = $err;
           if ( $user = $this->get_subscriber( $list_id, $email ) ) {
              if ( 'subscribed' === $user['status'] ) {
                 $result = 'success';
              } else {
                 $this->prepare_request( implode( '/', array( $url, $user['id'] ) ), 'PUT', false, $args, true );
                 $result = parent::subscribe( $args, $url );

        This code checks if the user is already a list member and then ONLY sends an update request to mailchimp if the user is NOT subscribed at all. So group additions are not sent.

        Change it

               if ( false !== stripos( $result, 'already a list member' ) ) {
                 $result = $err;
                 if ( $user = $this->get_subscriber( $list_id, $email ) ) {
        // old code doesn't send the PUT request to mailchimp when custom fields are changed
        // we need to do this in order to use the mailchimp groups workaround:
        //          if ( 'subscribed' === $user['status'] ) {
        //             $result = 'success';
        //          } else {
        //             $this->prepare_request( implode( '/', array( $url, $user['id'] ) ), 'PUT', false, $args, true );
        //             $result = parent::subscribe( $args, $url );
        //          }
                        $this->prepare_request( implode( '/', array( $url, $user['id'] ) ), 'PUT', false, $args, true );
                        $result = parent::subscribe( $args, $url );
      • Dustin

        is it possible to change this in the child theme, so it is always updated?

      • Garry


      • August


      • Tom Roberts

        Thanks for this Greg. This worked perfectly. A quick question that maybe you can provide some insight on. Would you update this file each time you update the Divi theme?

      • Alexia

        Hi Greg !
        Thanks a lot for your article ! I used you code and instead of updating the contact, it makes the contact completly disapear in Mailchimp.They’re not even in the Archive anymore ! Any idea what I could do ?

      • Greg Freeman

        My guess is if it worked for you without this change Tom, you were using an old version of the plugin before they implemented this check.

      • Darcy

        Hi Greg – I tried to use your code update and I got this from WordPress:
        Error message: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST)

        Not sure what went wrong? Any advice? Not a developer! 😉

  17. Melanie

    Hola Nelson, que tal? espero me puedas ayudar. Seguí tus pasos al pie de la letra y funcionó perfecto. Ahora bien, yo solía agregar un campo para que los suscriptores aceptaran las políticas de privacidad y también queda oculto con ese código… Como podría ajustar el código para que no me ocultara ese campo?

  18. Claudia Klann

    Thank you for this tutorial.
    1. Everything worked up until actually being added to my mailchimp group or audience. When I tried the optin with a less-used email address of mine, it responded that an error occured with both attempts. Then I tried with my main email address which was accepted as subscribed. However, it is not on my Mailchimp list.
    2. These is a bit of CSS code in the Theme Option area that solved a problem from years ago. I don’t actually know if I still need it, but nervous to delete it. Can I simply add the new CSS code after the code already in there? If so, is there a limit to how many I add?
    3. Will this CSS code be used universally with all Bloom optins I create anywhere on my website? I have several different categories for optins.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Claudio,
      Just an FYI, you can test signups by putting +1 and +2 and +3 etc after your name in your email. Unlimited fun! So just use [email protected] etc. Anyhow, I’m not really sure, this tutorial is more for the Divi/Bloom connection rather than troubleshooting Mailchimp. Often it takes a few minutes for it to sync. Now sure if you have any luck now or not.

      As for the CSS, my snippet will remove the custom fields, so if your other forms have those custom fields like in this tutorial then yes, it will hide them everywhere. As for CSS, you can add as much CSS as you want there in Theme Options. Most likely it is not the same code.

  19. Tracy Miller

    So, does this put this information next to the person’s name under the Tag column? That’s what I’m confused about. If “Tag” is available under a column, why use Groups? And what if you just want the subscriber to come in with a particular “Tag” assigned to them?

      • Tracy Miller

        Interesting. So it’s not in Divi, but when I’ve used the Mailchimp for WordPress Plugin (MC4WP) on other sites, it is hard-coded into the setup that you can assign a tag. I wish I could figure out how to do it with Divi!

      • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

        I wish too, but don’t waste your time trying – the reason I made this tutorial was because it’s the only solution know to mankind to get any sort of segmentation. 🙂

  20. Pawel Paluch

    Hi Nelson, great tutorial!
    One quick question – as this works perfectly is there a way to not disturb how to form look in mobile view as the Custom Hidden form takes a half of the pop up screen.
    So it looks really not professional.

      • Pawel Paluch

        Hi Nelson, i didn’t unfortunately.
        I will try to replicate the situation an show it to you.

        But long story short, while the block is display:none – the email address field is shortened like on your screen

        Desktop view could be OK with that, but when you display it on mobile – it is a disaster.

        So is there a way to have the fields hidden and the correct layout – pre-fielding ? 🙂

      • Helen Wakefield

        I’d assume you found a solution by now, but in case anyone else is wondering, also adding this CSS worked for me:

        .et_bloom_form_bottom .et_bloom_with_custom_fields .et_bloom_fields p {
          flex-basis: 100%;

      • Adam Willingham

        The code worked for me too — very helpful! But I had to add “!important” after “flex-basis: 100%” to get the code to work.

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