A Much Requested Solution Is Here!
Use Mailchimp Groups with Bloom Opt-In Plugin
After we released our tutorial on how to add Mailchimp groups to the Divi Option module, we had a lot of requests for how to do this with Bloom. Oddly enough, there are no tutorials on this subject and no documentation from Elegant Themes, so I decided to make a quick video and show you guys how to do this. It’s not super clear out of the box how to do this, and many people said it’s impossible, but once you see how I figured it out you will think it is easy. Alright, lets show you how to add Mailchimp groups to the Bloom Opt-In plugin by Elegant Themes!
Why Add Groups?
Groups let you categorize subscribers by things like interests and preferences. Your Bloom Opt-In subscribers can select Mailchimp groups for themselves, or you can put subscribers into groups without them knowing.
Groups are an easy way to add segmentation and personalization to your email subscriber list. This allows you to send emails to specific audiences who have specific interests, ultimately leading to a much higher conversion rate.
▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆
Step 1
In your Mailchimp account, go to “Audience”. Once you get to the Lists page, decide which list you want to add groups to and select it. Click on “View Contacts.”
Step 2
Under “Manage Contacts” and click on “Groups.” Then click the button to “Create Groups.”
Next, you will see a question, “How should we show group options on your signup form?” Go ahead and leave the first option selected since this will work best and is the option I’m going to be using in this tutorial.
First, enter a name for the group category.
Under the category, enter at least one group name. Three come up by default, but you can add or remove them.
Hit the save button.
Step 3
Before we jump into Bloom, we need to double-check on something to verify the fields are showing correctly and to help you understand what’s going on here.
Once again in the audience menu, click on “Signup Forms.” Select the first one called “Form Builder.” Here you will see your form with the fields you chose in step 2 and the groups from step 3.
You will notice the group fields are visible by default. That is very important, and the MUST BE VISIBLE here in Mailchimp (we will hide this later with CSS on your website).
Step 4
Go to your website and go to Bloom>Email Accounts. The reason you are going here first is so that you can refresh your connection between Mailchimp and your website since you have added the group in Mailchimp.
Step 5
If you haven’t already, create a new popup style option in Bloom. The most important part here is adding the custom fields. So first of all, go into the optin design settings and toggle on the button to enable “Custom Fields.”
Create a new custom field. In the “Field” dropdown, choose the group category that we set up in step 2.
Also be sure to select and check the box beside the “Options,” since this is the actual Mailchimp group and it needs to be selected so that subscribers are automatically added to the group.
Step 6
Now once you finish up the other design settings for your Bloom opt-in, we are ready to go! Let’s go take a look and see if the custom field shows up.
Step 7
Now let’s hide the custom field, since it is not necessary for the user to see that and could lead to confusion. We don’t want them unchecking the box, and we don’t really need them to know what group they are in. It also looks bad. So let’s get rid of it with some CSS. Copy and paste the following snippet into your Divi>Theme Options>Custom CSS Box.
.et_bloom_form_container .et_bloom_form_content .et_bloom_custom_field_options_wrapper {
display: none!important;
So then here you can see the CSS removed the custom field Mailchimp group.
Step 8
As a final step, go back to Mailchimp and confirm everything is working. Submit a test subscriber with the Bloom popup form, and then after a minute or two it will show up perfectly in your Mailchimp audience. To double check the group feature is working (which is the point of this tutorial), go to “Groups” and you will see the test email address. That’s it, you’re all set!
I can’t get this to work with the bloom “locked content” option, which I would like to, I can use groups to know what content was downloaded. The form shows in blook preview with the custom group fields but not on the Divi page. Do you know why this would not be working?
Hi John!
Please contact the Elegant themes support about the issue. It might be a conflict at their end.