A Beginner’s Guide To Clearing Cache On Your Divi Website
If you have not seen our complete guide on How To Fix Divi then I highly recommend you check that out. This tutorial is an addon to that tutorial, expanding the section on clearing the cache to make it easier to follow and easier to find.
What Is Cache
A website’s cache is the files and resources that are stored locally in a browser or in a specific cloud network to help your website pages load faster. It works by storing the most often used files locally to reduce the need to reload the files every single time something is changed or updated.
Cache is a great thing to have on your Divi website, but it can also be the most common issue users face while using the Divi Builder or Divi Theme. This tutorial will show you how to clear all the cache related to your Divi website.
▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆
Clear The Browser Cache
A good place to start clearing cache when working on a Divi website is the browser you are using. The browser is trying to do it’s job, storing files locally to save you internet and speed things up, but if you are working on things, especially in the Divi Builder, then you need to clear the browser often as you work.
In Chrome, which is the browser I usually use, just go to the three dot menu, hover over “More tools,” and click on “Clear browsing data…”
Pro Tip: I use this handy Chrome Extension.

A popup will open with lots of options, but the one we need to select is “Cached images and files.” Then just click “Clear data” and you are done with that.

Other Browsers
I personally don’t use other browsers, but I know the process is very similar. For instructions for any browser, go to https://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/ and click on the browser you are using. From there, follow the instructions that are given to clear your browser cache.
Clear The Divi Cache (Static CSS File Generation)
One of the most common culprits to any Divi issue is the Divi cache. This is the very first setting that I turn off on any new site build. It’s probably an okay feature once the site is live and you are no longer working on it, but until then, I highly recommend turning this off completely. At the very lease, make sure to hit that “CLEAR” button!
You can find this setting from your WordPress Dashboard by going to Divi>Theme Options>Builder>Advanced.

On one occasion I have actually found that this button was not working, and there were still incline cached CSS files in Divi. If that happens to happen to you, you can actually go in your files to public_html>wp-content and delete the entire “et-cache” folder.
Pro Tip: It is best to keep this setting disabled while the site is in active development.
Or better yet, add the button to your admin bar! Use our tutorial about How To Add A Clear Static CSS Button To the WordPress Admin Bar.
Or even 20x better, clear the Divi cache AUTOMATICALLY! Check our tutorial on one of my favorite Divi Assistant features about how to auto clear Divi cache!
Clear Any Caching Plugin
I happen to be using SG Optimizer because I use Siteground hosting, so this plugin adds a button in the admin bar at the top.

I use WP Fastest Cache here on www.peeayecreative.com and they have a very similar button in the WordPress admin bar.

Purge The Website’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) Cache
What Is A CDN
A content delivery network stores multiples sets of your website files on servers all around the world. This helps users access your files quickly, because they are located closer to the end users.
There are several content delivery networks, like Cloudflare, KeyCDN, Stackpath, and more. Often a hosting company will partner will a CDN to provide optimal server speed to it’s users. For example, Siteground partners with Cloudflare and provides free accounts for all of it’s users.
Purge The CDN Cache
To clear the cache on your content deliver network, log in and look for the option to purge the cache. For me using Cloudflare it’s as simple as logging in, choosing the domain, clicking the cache tab, and then the Configuration tab.

If you click on “Purge Everything” it will do just like it sounds, clear the cache on every page of your site. But if you select “Custom Purge” you can input a specific page url to clear. If you have an issue on a certain page, or you just updated that page, then this custom purge is the way to go.

Most likely whichever CDN you are using has a similar feature. If you are not sure if your website has a CDN, contact your hosting support and ask them about it.
Still Need Help?
If you have some issue that still persists after all the cache is cleared, then I recommend reaching my full guide on how to solve issues and problems in Divi. It pretty much solves every issue possible!
I’m getting to the point where when I have Divi issues I think of you first. This is the third time you’ve shown me how to fix a VERY annoying problem. In this case, I had to physically delete the et-cache folder, since it appears Divi was not doing it when I clicked the button. I’m not even going to tell you how long this issue went unresolved until I found it on your site.
I’m sorry about the issues, but glad to hear you are finding the solutions! 🙂
Thank you!!! My pages and menus were all screwed up after making some updates. I thought all was lost then I found you! Clearing all the cache’s and adding the SG Optimizer saved my site! Thank you SOOOO much! 🙂
That’s so wonderful, Natalie! I’m really glad this guide has helped! Thanks for letting me know!
Nelson, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
My Divi Clear Cache button has not been working and I’ve been chasing this down for the better part of a day. Thanks to this post I FINALLY know how to do it manually.
Also, I wasn’t sure if it was good/safe to just turn this off. I suspected that I didn’t need it until site went live and you just confirmed that as well.
You genuinely have the best Divi content out there!!! 👏
I’m so happy to hear that, Joel! Thank you, it is so wonderful to hear you like our Divi content!
Hi Nelson
Thank you so much for sharing this post. I have been wrecking my brain on getting a solution.
Thanks again for the input.
You’re welcome Pete, happy to help! 🙂
Thanks man, seriously. I didn’t think an uncleared Cache could be such a problem. I’m new to Divi and I left my work for days because I couldn’t even get a simple font change to work. After clearing the cache on Chrome and turning off the Divi builder cache, my changes are now working. Thank you.
Hi Ekemini,
I’m glad I could help! I know it seems excessive but I guess cache is trying to help us 🙂
Thankful bunch for sharing the blog
You’re welcome! (note I removed your spam link from your commment 🙂