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As you know, we create free tools and give away downloads related to Divi. We’re back with a good one! One of the most common questions related to the Divi Blog module is how to show posts based on the taxonomy of a selected custom post type. This question arose when Elegant Themes added support for custom post types, which you can learn about here: How To Display Custom Post Types In The Divi Blog Module. In this tutorial I will give you the free download which you can install as a regular plugin on your website and show you how to use it to show posts based on taxonomies of custom post types in a custom Blog module.

▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆
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Subscribe To Download The Custom Divi Blog Module
How To Use The Free Divi Custom Blog Module
#1. Download And Save The Plugin File
The first step is to download the file to your computer. Save it somewhere you will remember for the next step.
#2. Install The Plugin Into WordPress
Go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Plugins>Add New. Choose Upload Plugin and select the file. Once uploaded, activate the plugin.
Obviously, you would need to have an existing custom post type and taxonomies to benefit from this. If you do not, go ahead and check out our free generator tool!
#3. Add The Module To Your Layout
Now it’s time to add the module to your Divi layout. Open the Divi Visual Builder and click the gray plus (+) icon. Search for “custom” or “blog” and you will see the module called “Custom Blog”. Select it to add it to your layout.

#4. Select Custom Post Type And Taxonomies
Now the part you have been waiting for! Simply select your custom post type from the Post Type dropdown and any taxonomies that you have created will appear. You will need to select the Taxonomy Type, the name of the Taxonomy. Any terms that you have created for that Taxonomy will appear as checkmarks for you to filter which posts show in the feed. Enjoy!
Does the Responsive Helper engage with the Custom Post Blog Module? When I enable “Blog Module Number of Columns” in “Column Stacking”, I cannot find the layout toggle that gives column options for the grid layout. And when I added the custom CSS to the module’s Advanced Tab and the styling CSS to the child theme, I got strange results. When going for two columns for my custom posts, I ended up having two columns of posts within the two columns (four across the module). The module sure does work in sorting by categories, though. It’s very helpful!
Hi Troy,
No this module is not an included module that Divi Responsive Helper adds settings to.
Do you have a guide on adding filtering options as a dropdown (or two) and a search bar?
I saw your other blog about tabbed blog grid by category but looking to have a certain CPT be filterable on the ‘archive’ page without additional plugins. The way the event calendar works is ideal, wondering if it could be made to work with other CPT, or something based on it developed for this purpose? TIA!
We will look into it further and try to provide a solution.
I have created a custom post type and was hoping to use this to display related posts. Is there a way to have this display the Current Category only?
Divi already does this, just set the Blog module to dynamic.
Could you expand on this? I have a custom post type and would also like to use the Blog module to display only the Current Category for that custom post type but can’t seem to get it to work.
Sure, when you set the Blog module to Posts For Current Page, it is dyanamic and will show the current category posts. Their setting name is very confusing.
Of course, it does! I somehow totally missed my custom post type in the list of options in the regular blog module. Thanks so much for the speedy reply!
Thanks so much for the amazing plugin and making it available for free. Just like a few others there I can report that custom taxonomies show up but the list of them after you select a custom taxonomy does not show up. I have multiple of each and none of them show up, including standard categories for standard posts. I suspect it has something to do with what Roberto Loreni reported. Maybe you are testing with a single custom post type so for you it works, but the sites with multiple custom post types only the LAST ADDED custom post type taxonomies work. I am sure you can replicate it on your testing site as well.
I think “most common questions” is probably an understatement. I spent a day prototyping some custom post types and built out a taxonomy, and then saw the Divi limitations, and spent another day exploring my options. This was over the weekend, so, umm, great timing!
Nice, love to hear of great timing! Hope this works for your needs!