Use CSS Clamp In Divi
CSS Clamp can be used for many things, such as element widths, padding, margin, and much more. But the most common and most practical use case is for making fluid responsive typography. Our Divi Responsive Helper plugin already provides the only option to set sitewide global text for all modules, but you can take it even further by using CSS clamp within our settings. That’s right, you can use CSS clamp right now with the current Divi responsive helper options – no special settings required! In this tutorial I will give you an overview of what CSS clamp is and how to use it in Divi to make responsive fluid typography.
▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆
What Is CSS Clamp?
This is not a course on CSS clamp, it’s a tutorial of how to use it in Divi with our plugin. You can check out tons of other general CSS related resources to learn CSS clamp in-depth, but I’ll give you just the basics of what you need to know if you are new to this. You can also check out some articles on the Elegant Themes blog like this one about making modules responsive. The limitation is that you would need to do it for every module, unlike our plugin which does it once across the entire site. They also have this article about other fluid text options, #6 being about clamp.
CSS clamp allows us to linearly scale text between a set of minimum and maximum sizes as the viewport’s width increases and decreases. The goal is to make the size of an element (or in this case, text size) more predictable. CSS clamp is able to set responsive unit sizes without any media queries. The function uses 3 parameters in a single line, which form a perfect solution for fluid typography. The clamp() function has everything, a starting point to set the minimum font size, a middle area to set the fluid font size, and an ending point to set the maximum font size.

text-size: clamp(minimum, preferred, maximum);
Minimum – this fixed value is the minimum threshold for the element and cannot go lower than this. Keep this value in mind as the smallest font size you want for Phone sizes.
Preferred – this dynamic relative value is what will be outputted unless this value falls below the minimum or above the maximum.
Maximum – this pixel value is the maximum threshold for the element and cannot go higher than this. Keep this value in mind as the largest font size you want for Desktop sizes.
Can CSS Clamp Be Used In The Divi Builder?
No, not with the Divi Builder settings, the input fields will not accept it. The only way you could is by writing the CSS in the Advanced tab of every module, which is quite ridiculous. The one article from the Elegant Themes blog talks about this some. But I have to ask, why make it difficult? At that point, I wouldn’t even bother.
How To Use CSS Clamp In Divi With The Divi Responsive Helper Plugin
Now for the good news. It’s very easy and afters the entire site instantly with our Divi Responsive Helper plugin!
Simply choose the clamp parameters you want to use and write or paste them into the font size fields in our plugin settings. Go to Divi>Themes Options>Divi Responsive Helper>Typography.

You can see in that screenshot that I am using rem units, and that is because it works great in our specific situation, since we have three input fields. If you use pixel values, that works too, but because our plugin settings have an input for each device, it means you need to be more creative with the units like this:

But this is very easy to adjust. And of course you can set the font size for all the headings H1-H6 and for paragraph text, and it only takes a few seconds and it will affect all text on the entire site. Check the video to see how perfectly smooth the text scales from small to big as the viewport changes! Pretty cool?
Thanks so much for the Divi responsive plugin. Saved me a LOT of time and a headaches.
You’re welcome Laurie, so glad you are enjoying the features!
Thanks for this! It was happenstance that I was looking into clamp the same day you posted this!
My question is, do you need to set clamp for each of the three displays? I thought that if you set the max to what your desktop would be, and your min to what you phone would be, would it not fill in the rest and you would not need the other two?
Thanks so much! Love your tutorials.
We cover this question in the tutorial. Due to the settings of our plugin for each device, you need to add the clam in each one too.