Divi Contact Form Helper adds over 115 new features.
Nelson Miller Profile Orange

Hello, I’m Nelson Miller, the owner of this company and creator of this Divi plugin. I enjoy making tools that help you succeed, and I hope you like it! If you have any questions, just send us a message!

Divi Contact Form Helper

Upgrade the Divi Contact Form with over 115 premium features like file uploads, date & time picker, spam protection, digital signature, confirmation emails, Zapier integration, save entries to database, SMTP settings, custom subject line, reply-to address, conditional email routing, custom merge tags, export to CSV, auto entry backups, and so much more!

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Green gear icon on light gray background.

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From: $36.00 / year

(35 customer reviews)

Includes (115) Custom Settings & Features!

Give the Divi Contact Form a serious upgrade! Check out these incredible features! We are in active development, adding more and more settings all the time to make the Divi contact Form a serious professional tool!

Feature Ours Divi
File Upload Field
Design Settings For File Upload Field
Allowed File Types
Maximum Upload Size
Allow Custom MIME Types
Save File Uploads To Media Library
Custom Label Text For File Uploads
Date Picker Field
Disable Past Days
Disable Days Of The Week
Disable Current Date
Fixed Or Relative Dates Selection
Available and Unavailable Dates
ICS Calendar Sync (Google And Outlook)
Time Picker Field
Disable Past Times
Fixed Or Relative Times Selection
Available and Unavailable Times (Global)
Available and Unavailable Times (Per Day)
Date/Time Picker RTL Support
Date/Time Picker Width And Height
Date/Time Picker Design Settings
HTML Anything Field
HTML Field Design Settings
Digital Signature Field
Digital Signature Field Design Settings
Zapier Integration Settings
Pabbly Connect Integration Settings
SMTP Integration Settings
Test Email Sending
List Of Forms On Site
Number Of Form Views
Number Of Unique Form Views
Enable/Disable Cookies For Unique Views
Conversion Rate Per Form
Custom Message Pattern Merge Tags 24+ More! Form ID Only
Add Icons To Fields + Design Settings
Custom Field Label Text
Design Settings For Field Label Text
Show/Hide Labels On Frontend
Move Labels To Left Side Of Fields
Custom Placeholder Text
Hide Placeholder Text
Custom Field Description Text
HTML Support In Field Description
Design Settings For Description Text
Show Field Description Above Or Below
Show Asterisks On Required Fields
Enable/Disable Admin Email
Admin Email Custom Subject Line
Admin Email From Name
Admin Email From Submitter Email
Use Merge Tags In Admin Email Subject Line
Dynamic Admin Email Address
Conditional Admin Email Address Routing
Admin Email CC/BCC Addresses
Admin Email HTML Rich Text Formatting
Admin Email Dynamic Templates
Send Confirmation Email To Form Submitter
Confirmation Email Custom Subject Line
Confirmation Email Address From Field ID
Confirmation Email From Name
Confirmation Email From Email Address
Confirmation Email HTML Rich Text Formatting
Confirmation Email Dynamic Templates
Add Attachments To Confirmation Email
Message Textarea Min Height On Frontend
Textarea Character Min/Max Limit
Textarea Character Validation
Checkboxes Columns/Inline Layouts
Checkboxes Columns/Inline Layouts
Search Field For Dropdown Options
Default Dropdown Select Option
Star Rating Field
Custom Phone Number Formatting
Save Entries To Database
Collect Meta Details
Collect User Agent Details
Limit Number Of Entries
Maximum Entries Reached Custom Message
View List Of Entries
Mark Entries As Unread
Reply To Entries
Convert Entries To Posts
Add Dynamic Columns To Entries List
Delete Entries After Number Of Days
Loading Icon When Submitting Form
Redirect After Submission
Add Success Button After Submission
Hide Form Title After Submission
Hide Success Message
Rich Text HMTL Editor For Success Message
Success Message Design Settings
Merge Tags In Success Message
Shortcodes In Success Message
Honeypot Spam Protection
Cloudflare Turnstile Spam Protection
Google reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox Spam Protection
Blacklisted Email Addresses
Blacklisted Email Domains
Blacklisted Keywords
Mark Entry As Spam
Completely Disable Google ReCAPTCHA For GDPR
Error Message Location Top/Bottom
Error Message Design Settings
Error Message Custom Text
Focus Input Border Settings
Submit Button Alignment
Submit Button Fullwidth
Auto Backup Entries
Export Entries To CSV
Create Post From Entry
Multilingual Support For Custom Text
User Role Permissions

Save Submissions To Database

One of the biggest issues with the regular Divi Contact Form module is that emails are not saved in the database. This is an essential need for any form plugin, but it is missing in Divi. Without this, you may totally miss important entries from clients and customers, and miss out on important details from their form submission.

Our plugin enables you to save the contact form submissions to the database of the website. Now you can have peace of mind and enjoy the benefits of viewing, sorting, exporting, replying to, backing up, converting to posts, and much more.

save Divi Contact Form submission entries to website database

File Upload Field

One of the most common questions for Divi users is how to add file attachments/upload field to the Divi Contact Form module. This is an essential need for any form plugin, but it is missing in Divi. The Divi Contact Form Helper plugin by Pee-Aye Creative adds a file upload field to the default Divi Contact Form module and gives you the ability for users to upload files as attachments to the default Divi Contact Form, and much more! Please note, this feature is not included with Divi and is impossible without our plugin, so we hope you enjoy this exciting feature!

Green paperclip logo on white background.

File Upload Attachments

Upload images or other files as attachments to send along with your entries.

Green exclamation mark on caution sign icon.

Limit The File Size

Set a maximum file upload size for your form attachments.

Green drawers icon on grey circle background.

Allowed File Types

Choose which file types are allowed to be uploaded.

file upload settings in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin 2
Green "Tt" icon on a gray background.

Custom Label Text

We love giving you full control of customization, so we added these settings to write your own custom text for each of the text related items in the file upload field. You can customize the labels for the Accepted File types, Max file Size, and No Files Chosen. This is also a great way to use your own language translations. These settings are sitewide and will affect the file upload fields in all forms on your site.

Custom Text and Multilingual text In Theme Options Divi Contact Form Helper Plugin by Pee Aye Creative
Green database icon with coin symbol.

Save Files To Database

Save the file uploads from the from entries to the database.

Green mountain landscape under clear blue sky.

Save Files To Media Library

Save the file uploads from the form entries to the WordPress Media Library

Green email icon with white arrow overlay.

Send Files As Attachments

Add the file uploads as attachments to the admin email.

file upload settings for saving to database media library and attachments in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin
Green adjustment sliders icon on white background.

Design Settings

The plugin includes all the standard custom design settings to easily style your file upload fields to match your other fields! This includes everything from the container, all the description text, and the upload button.

design settings for file upload container settings in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin
design settings for file upload descriptions settings in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin
design settings for file upload button settings in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin

Date/Time Picker

The Divi Contact Form Helper offers extensive settings to transform your contact form into a simple booking plugin. Utilize the date and time picker settings for booking appointments, consultations, meetings, and more.

Green calendar icon with white background.

Date Picker

Enable the date picker for users to choose a date from a calendar in the form. Use our advanced settings to customize the selection options.

  • Custom Date Format
  • Week Start Day
  • Disable Week Row Number Markers
  • Disable Past Days
  • Disable Current Date
  • Fixed Minimum Dates
  • Relative Minimum Dates
  • Fixed Maximum Dates
  • Relative Maximum Dates
  • Available Dates
  • Unavailable Dates
Green clock icon with circular outline

Time Picker

Enable the time picker for users to choose a time from a list of options, which can be customized with advanced settings.

  • Time Format
  • Disable Past Times
  • Fixed Minimum Times
  • Relative Minimum Times
  • Fixed Maximum Times
  • Relative Maximum Times
  • Available Times (Global)
  • Unavailable Times (Global)
  • Available Times Sunday
  • Unavailable Times Sunday
  • Available Times Monday
  • Unavailable Times Monday
  • Available Times Tuesday
  • Unavailable Times Tuesday
  • Available Times Wednesday
  • Unavailable Times Wednesday
  • Available Times Thursday
  • Unavailable Times Thursday
  • Available Times Friday
  • Unavailable Times Friday
  • Available Times Saturday
  • Unavailable Times Saturday
  • Time Steps
Refresh icon with green arrows on gray background.

ICS Calendar Sync

You can sync your available booking dates and times in the datepicker field with your Google and Outlook ICS Calendar. Just enter your .ics calendar URL and click to sync. Note that this sync is one-way, from your calendar to the form.

Green adjustment sliders icon on white background.

Design Settings

Customize the date and time pickers with all the standard custom design settings


  • Background Color
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Border Settings
  • Box Shadow Settings


  • Datepicker Width
  • Datepicker Height
  • Month/Year Text Settings
  • Days Of The Week Text Settings
  • Calendar Dates Text Settings
  • Current Date Background Color
  • Current Date Text Color
  • Selected Date Background Color
  • Selected Date Text Color
  • Available Dates Background Color
  • Available Dates Text Color
  • Unavailable Dates Background Color
  • Unavailable Dates Text Color


  • Timepicker Width
  • Timepicker Height
  • Time Text Settings
  • Current Time Background Color
  • Current Time Text Color
  • Selected Date Background Color
  • Selected Date Text Color
  • Available Times Background Color
  • Available Times Text Color
  • Unavailable Times Background Color
  • Unavailable Times Text Color

HTML Anything Field

Enhance your Divi contact forms with ease! Our feature allows you to:

  • Break your form into sections with headings
  • Divide sections with a line
  • Add paragraph text to explain something
  • Insert images or links
  • Write or embed any HTML content

This versatile field type lets you display virtually anything within your form, making it more informative and visually appealing. Note that this content is for display purposes only and won’t be submitted with the form.

HTML free anything field in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin

Design Settings

The HTML field includes design settings for everything!

  • Wrapper
  • Headings
  • Paragraph
  • Links
  • Images
  • Divider
HTML field design settings for the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin

Digital Signature Field

Enhance your forms with the digital signature field for the Divi Contact Form module. Enable this field in the Field Options toggle. When you hover over the signature pad, your mouse cursor becomes a marker. The signature pad includes save and clear buttons. Ensure the save button is pressed to include the signature in the form entry.

new signature pad feature in the Divi Contact Form Helper
When the form is submitted, the signature will appear as one of the forms in the backend of the entry. It will also appear as an attachment in the admin email.
save and view the digital signature in the entry in the Divi Contact Form Helper

Design Settings

As with all our features, we also included all the necessary design settings to fully customize and style the signature pad field and buttons. You can find these within the individual field in the Design tab in the Signature Pad toggle.

  • Signature Pad
  • Save Button
  • Clear Button
  • Message Text
digitial signature field design settings in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin

Field Text Options

The Divi Contact Form module has limitations with input field options, such as the inability to show, hide, or customize field labels and placeholder text, and the absence of a description field. Our plugin addresses all these issues, offering comprehensive customization for your form field text. Enjoy these enhanced features to fully customize your forms!

example of label placeholder and description text in the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin

Custom Dynamic Merge Tags

The standard Divi Contact Form includes a feature called Message Pattern, which allows you to insert dynamic field data (%%field_id%%) into the message sent from the form. Our plugin enhances this functionality by adding numerous custom message pattern merge tags that are not available in the regular module.

While Divi refers to this feature as Message Pattern, many in the industry know it as “merge tags” or “variables.” Despite the terminology, the concept remains the same. Our plugin provides the flexibility and additional tags you need for more dynamic and personalized messages.

All Fields

The %%dcfh_all_fields%% merge tag dynamically displays only the filled fields and their labels. This eliminates the need to manually input each field, ensuring a faster and more efficient process. Additionally, it prevents irrelevant fields from being shown, streamlining your form handling and enhancing user experience.

Form Related

  • Form Title
  • Form ID
  • Entry Number

Meta Related

  • Date Submitted
  • Time Submitted
  • URL Parameters

Page Related

  • Post/Page Title
  • Post/Page ID
  • Post/Page URL
  • Referer URL

Site Related

  • Site Name
  • Site Tagline
  • Site URL
  • Site Login URL
  • Site Admin Info

Submitter Related

  • Submitter ID
  • Submitter Name
  • Submitter Email
  • Submitter Username
  • Submitter Registered
  • Submitter IP Address
  • Submitter Browser
  • Submitter Operating System

Spam Protection

Ensure your forms stay secure and spam-free with our comprehensive suite of spam protection features. From invisible honeypot fields and keyword filtering to blocking specific email addresses or domains, we’ve got you covered. Easily manage unwanted submissions by marking them as spam, and enhance security with Google reCAPTCHA v2 checkbox and Cloudflare Turnstile. With these robust measures in place, you can trust that your forms are protected while maintaining user privacy and data integrity.

Green honey dipper icon on light background

Honeypot Spam Protection

Enhance your form’s security with a honeypot field, an invisible form field that effectively prevents spam bots from submitting unwanted entries.

Email error icon with crossed-out at symbol.

Blacklist Email Addresses

Prevent unwanted submissions by blocking entries containing specific email addresses, ensuring your form remains secure and spam-free.

Secure email icon with exclamation mark.

Mark Entries As Spam

Easily manage unwanted submissions by marking them as spam, keeping your form entries clean and organized with minimal effort.

Green checkmark on light gray background.

Cloudflare Turnstile

Boost your form’s security with Cloudflare Turnstile, a powerful spam protection service that safeguards your website without compromising user privacy.

Browser cookie settings icon with red X mark

Blacklist Email Domains

Safeguard your form against unwanted submissions by blocking entries containing specified email domains, maintaining security and integrity.

Green recycling symbol with arrows.

Google reCAPTCHA Checkbox

Improve your form’s security with Google reCAPTCHA v2 checkbox, effectively preventing spam and ensuring a seamless user experience.

Error message in spreadsheet icon.

Blacklist Keywords

Filter out unwanted submissions by blocking entries containing specific keywords, ensuring your form remains free from irrelevant or inappropriate content.

Miscellaneous Features

IP Address

SMTP Integration

Ensure your messages are delivered by setting up SMTP with our integration settings. No need to install another plugin!

Confirmation Message

Confirmation Emails

Now you can also send a confirmation email to users who complete the form with a custom subject line and message!

Success Message

Success Button

Include a button after the message has been submitted to direct the user to another page.

Save To Spreadsheet

Export To Spreadsheet

Export form submissions to CSV spreadsheets for convenient  viewing or backups.

Redirect Delay

Redirect Delay

Set and adjust the length of time before redirecting after a successful form submission.

Email Send Logs

Sent Email Logs

Keep records of all email sent history to submitter as replies from the backend send email page.

Button Fullwidth

Fullwidth Submit Button

Enable a setting to make the submit button fullwidth.


Show Field Labels

Show or hide the label text above the fields.

Form ID

Form ID

Easily identify each form by entering a custom identification name which will be shown in the database and other areas to easily identify this form.

Pee Aye Creative Icons 13

Textarea Validation

Set a minimum or maximum number of characters in the message textarea field and/or limit symbols to only letters or numbers, or alphanumeric.

Information icon with green circle background

Error Message Location

Choose to move the error/required fields notice to the bottom of the form.


Error Message Custom Text

Write your own custom text for the error message that shows above the form fields.


Error Message Styling

Use the new design settings to customize and style the error message, container, and list.

Green arrows forming circular recycle symbol

Zapier Integration

Integrate with hundreds of other tools and services with our email parser Zapier setting!

Admin Email

Admin Emails

Customize the email subject line and message that admins receive when users submit the form.



Add a new widget to the WordPress admin Dashboard with quick stats about contact form submissions on the site.

Save To Database

Save Entries To Database

Save every contact form submission to the website  database and never worry about missing an undelivered email message again!

Focus Input Borders

Focus Input Borders

Our plugin adds several helpful new border design settings for the focus input fields.

Email Clone Logs

Clone Logs

Choose to log the clone history of contact form data to other post types.

Button Alignment

Submit Button Alignment

Choose to align the submit button to the left, center, or right.

Pee Aye Creative Icons 14

Hide Placeholders

Show or hide the placeholder text in the form fields.

Search Entries

Search Entries

Use the search bar to find any form entry in the database.


Field Icons

Add an icon inside the left side of each form field and set the color.

Textarea Minimum Height

Texarea Minimum Height

Adjust the default height of the textarea input field message box so it is not so short.

[object Object]

Required Fields Asterisks

Show an asterisk on all required fields on the label or placeholder.

[object Object]

Required Fields Error Message Text

Write custom text for the required fields error message.

Custom Subject Line

Custom Subject Line

Now you can customize the email subject line of both the admin and confirmation emails!

Message Pattern Merge Tags

Custom Merge Tags

Take advantage of tons of new custom message pattern merge tags to gather dynamic data from form submissions.


Reply From Backend

Easily reply to submission entries by sending an email from the backend settings area.

Redirect Link

Redirect Link

Choose to redirect to another page on the website or a custom URL after a successful form submission.

Email Templates

Email Templates

Set up reusable email templates for sending messages from the backend directly from form submissions.

Create A Post

Convert To Post

Create a new WordPress post or page by mapping fields in the contact form to fields in the post.


Auto Email Backup

Automatically back up the entire database of email form entries by sending a spreadsheet to an admin email address.

Refresh icon with green arrows on gray background.

Backup Schedule

Select the desired frequency schedule for the auto backup.

Green adjustment sliders icon on white background.

Success Message Design

Customize and style the success message text with font and text design settings.


Filter Entries

Find any entry in the database by using the date and form ID filters.


Inline Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

Align the checkboxes and radio buttons inline horizontally instead of stacked.

custom field text

Rich Text Success Message

Use a rich text and HTML editor to create the success message.

Asset 287

Multilingual Support

Includes support for multilingual plugins to translate custom text added by our plugin as well as Divi error and required fields text.

Phew! Is That Crazy Or what?

We have a list of many more ideas for future updates as well.

Pee Aye Creative Logo_3

Divi Contact Form Helper Is Created By Divi Experts!

Why Choose This Product?

  • The plugin integrates over (115) custom settings directly into the existing Divi Contact Form module
  • The plugin is fully featured and mature, and we are adding every setting we can think of
  • We are a top-rated Divi product creator and community leader
  • Our proven track record of continuous feature updates and improvements
  • We are known for fast, friendly, and personal support
  • Our products come with thorough and helpful documentation
  • Thousands of happy customers who love and trust our products
Nelson Miller Profile Blue

Hello, I’m Nelson Miller, the owner of this company. I helped create the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin to solve all the common limitations with the default Divi contact form! I hope you enjoy this helpful plugin!

Visual Builder Notice for Pee Aye Creative Plugins
The Divi Teacher Logo

Join the community in our private Facebook group called The Divi Teacher.

Green question mark icon on light gray background.


Get answers to common questions you may have about this product.  If you have other pre-sale questions not mentioned here, just send us a message and we’ll be happy to help!

How does this plugin work?

The plugin adds new custom settings perfect integrated directly into the existing Divi Contact Form module. Whenever the plugin is active, helpful new settings will appear inside the module. It also adds other features and custom settings to the backend admin area!

Is this a new separate module?

Nope! This is not a new module, but rather an upgrade to the existing Divi Contact Form module. The great part about our unique approach to plugins is that you can install or remove this plugin without affecting your existing Contact Form modules!

Why is there no visual preview?

Some settings such as the file uploads, date picker, and other settings are not able to be previewed inside the Divi Visual Builder. This is due to the unique nature of this plugin and the limited ability to customize the core Divi Builder. Since this is like a “hack” of the current module, Divi is not currently able to render the settings. The custom settings provided by our plugin will take effect when you exit the Visual Builder and view the form. As soon as any solution becomes available within Divi to create a visual preview, trust me, we will add it! We are excited about this plugin and wanted to release it and hope in the future the time comes when we can make a visual preview of some of these custom settings.


Until then, we can share a helpful recommendation. Try keeping two tabs open at the same time, one in the builder and the other out of the builder. Whenever you save changes in the one, you can immediately refresh the other tab to see the changes take effect.

Does this work with the Divi Builder Plugin?

Any settings which are only located in the Divi contact Form module would work fine if you are using the Divi Builder plugin with another theme, but you would not have access to any of the backend settings in Theme Options, since the “Theme Options” are only in the Divi Theme. You can also access the contact form entries when using the Divi Builder plugin.

Which purchase option should I choose?

Great question! As you can see we offer several purchase options. These are the licenses that determine how your product can be used.

The Annual Unlimited license is great for anyone who wants to use this product on multiple websites for an affordable yearly fee.

The Lifetime Single license is perfect if you only plan to use the plugin on one site and you don't want to pay recurring fees.

The Lifetime Unlimited license is ideal for anyone who wants use this product on multiple sites and is okay with spending a lot more upfront to advoid recurring fees.

Please review our Product License Policy to learn more about what each license means and what is included.

Can I try before I buy?

​Yes, please access our admin demo sandbox to test the plugin as needed!

Simply click on "Access Admin Demo" at the top of our product page, and this will generate a temporary WordPress installation with the Divi Theme and all of our Pee-Aye Creative plugins. You can then set up and configure our plugins just as you would on a normal site. This will allow you to thoroughly test everything and determine if our plugin meets your needs. ​

To learn more, you can check our quick guide about our admin demo feature.

How do I receive updates?

Our products are eligible for automatic updates to all customers with an active product license. Any time we push out an update with new features, improvements, or bug fixes, you will see a notification in your WordPress dashboard. If we have a big update with important information, we may also send out an email, so be sure to stay subscribed for that information.

Please refer to our Product Updates guide for more information about how you can receive product updates.

Do you offer product support?

Absolutely, we are always happy to help you with anything related to our products. We strongly encourage you to follow our product documentation, especially the "getting started" guide for each plugin. If you still have questions or need technical support, you can submit a support ticket. You can learn what steps to take first and what to expect in our Product Support Policy.

Do you offer refunds?

Our products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee based on some fair but important criteria which is clearly detailed in our Product Refund Policy. We encourage you to review the policy and reach out to us if you have any questions about your purchase. We are down-to-earth folks who will treat you with integrity, so feel free to start a friendly conversation with us at any time.

How do I use and manage the license keys?

Our plugins use license keys to verify the authenticity of your purchase and allow you to receive automatic updates and support. We have created a full Product License Key Management guide for you to learn how to find, add, delete, deactivate, and generate license keys.

Will this plugin be updated for compatibility with Divi 5?

Yes, this plugin will be updated for full compatibility with Divi 5. However, it's important to understand that Divi 5 is still in its early alpha stage, which means it is under active development by the Divi team. While we are actively working to rebuild this plugin, ongoing changes and core updates in Divi 5 need to be completed before we can finalize the conversion process for third-party products.

During both the Public Alpha and the upcoming Public Beta, it is neither expected nor feasible for third-party products to be fully compatible. The core structure required for us to complete the rebuild of this plugin is not yet finalized, and Divi 5 continues to undergo frequent changes and updates behind the scenes.

As a leading Divi plugin developer, we are fully committed to ensuring this plugin will be updated and compatible with Divi 5. We are making great progress on this, but we kindly ask for your patience during this transition. The process requires significant time and resources, and we truly appreciate your support and understanding.

Rest assured, by the time Divi 5 reaches its full public release, this plugin will be fully rebuilt and compatible, offering the same high-quality features and performance you’ve come to expect.

We will provide more information on how to access these updates as soon as it becomes available. Until then, please be patient and know that we are working diligently to ensure a smooth transition for this plugin.

Thank you for your continued support, understanding, and kindness during this process!

Divi Contact Form Helper adds over 115 new features.

Divi Contact Form Helper

Select An Option

$36.00 / year
Annual UnlimitedLifetime SingleLifetime Unlimited


Divi Adventure Club Membership Acces All Pee Aye Creative Products

Join The Divi Adventure Club Membership

Select An Option

$187.00 / year
$130.00 every 3 months (4 total payments)
Annual UnlimitedLifetime UnlimitedLifetime Unlimited - Payment Plan

Divi 5 compatibility is in progress and coming soon! Please check our Divi 5 page for more info.

35 reviews for Divi Contact Form Helper

  1. Gil (verified owner)

    Thank you so much for creating this fantastic, easy-to-use plugin and for a great price, too! I love the integration with the standard Divi contact form. I have already used just a few of the Divi Contact Form Helper’s comprehensive set of features, and it’s been a tremendous help. Definitely the best solution for anyone who runs Divi websites.

    The support has been super good and fast which is a big plus especially when you are on a crunch time.

    I am certainly going to look closely at all the other products that Pee-Aye Creative offers.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you, Gil! I’m so glad you enjoy the integration and quick setup! We hope you continue to enjoy everything we have to offer! Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Vicky Bazoula (verified owner)

    It’s a life saver plugin! It covered my needs to configuring my contact forms within seconds! Thank you!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you for sharing, Vicky! I’m so glad it meets all your contact form needs and was easy to get started!

  3. Mike Dunklee (verified owner)

    This immediately solved the issue I was running into, which is worth five stars in and of itself. Add to it that the installation was so simple and the integration so easy to understand and use, and the Divi Contact Form Helper earns its 5-star rating several times over. Thank you for the excellent documentation, too!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      That’s awesome Mike, so glad to hear this solved the issue! I’m really glad to hear you found the documentation helpful also, as that is something I spend a lot of time creating. Thanks so much for sharing your review!

  4. Robert Patchett (verified owner)

    I’m a Divi Lifer, and do International Pro Bono sites for small time businesses. Websites make them more legitimate to the viewing public. I’ve been using free Contact Form plugins, but often run into conflicts. I also wanted a Bcc: option to monitor for some of these super small time non-techy merchants (mostly small vendors in SEAsia).

    So now I’m a Divi Contact Form Helper lifer. Looking forward to incorporating it into all sites. Thanks Nelson and the Pee-Aye crew. 😎

  5. S-Tier Web Design & Marketing (verified owner)

    I build almost all client websites with Divi but the standard contact form is lacking. I was using a popular form plugin for more features but had some recent issues with it, so I decided to look for something to take the Divi Contact Form to the next level.

    I know Nelson from various Facebook groups and his numerous helpful tutorials, so I decided to try out his plugin and I’m happy to say it’s great!

    In addition to this, his support has been nothing short of exceptional.

    Awesome product, awesome service and generally awesome guy. Highly recommended.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you so much for sharing! Feedback like yours makes it all worthwhile, and we are really happy you are enjoying all the features and support!

  6. Spencer Taylor (verified owner)

    I LOVE the Divi Contact List Helper and cannot imagine building a Divi site without it! It integrates a litany of beneficial features and tweaks for the Divi forms, making using a third-party plugin unnecessary. There is an immense number of customization options available! The plugin even integrates Cloudflare Turnstyle, which we find to be better than Google ReCaptcha in many cases. It’s thoughtful touches like this that put Nelson and the Peeaye Divi plugins in a class of their own.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Spencer, thank you so much for this awesome review! I really appreciate it, and am so glad you are enjoying all the features of this plugin!

  7. John Ballard (verified owner)

    If only I’d discovered this awesome plugin before, it provides all the contact form features missing from the standard Divi form builder.
    Forget the other form plugins, this is THE BEST. Worth every $, thank you so much Nelson!!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi John,
      You’re so welcome, I am really excited that you are finding the plugin features so valuable! I really appreciate you sharing this review, means a lot and we look forward to adding even more features soon!

  8. Roosevelt Simmons (verified owner)

    I’d like to express my gratitude to Nelson for his exceptional support with the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin. Initially, I unknowingly purchased the plugin from an unauthorized source, but Nelson graciously offered a discount to obtain a legitimate copy from him. Going above and beyond, he created a personalized video tutorial to guide me through the process and addressed all my queries, ensuring I was able to overcome the challenges I faced. My experience has convinced me that the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin is an indispensable tool for anyone using the Divi Theme.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Roosevelt,
      Thank you so much for sharing your kind words! I’m really glad to hear that my support made a difference, and great to know you found the video tutorial helpful! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out anytime.

  9. Abby

    Great plugin! I keep finding new ways to use it. Extremely versatile. It has sped up our enquiry immensely, and improved conversions.

    One feature I think that would be great is the ability to add the contents of the cart to the email so that we can quote. Right now we can get enquiries on single products, but not the whole cart. Any chance this feature might be added?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Abby,
      I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying the plugin and its features! I noticed you had a few feature requests and questions—please feel free to share more details with us via email. Thanks!

  10. amy zhou (verified owner)

    This is the second plugin I have purchased from Nelson. Once again, a great product and best of all – actual easy to understand supporting documentation ( a rarity with software!). Totally recommend this product.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Amy, it’s so good to hear you like our plugins, and appreciate our extra work on the documentation. Thank you for sharing your recommendation!

  11. Kimberley Miller (verified owner)

    This plug-in has a full set of high-quality features for a great price. Thank you so much for creating this great plug-in and being a wealth of information for the Divi Community.

  12. Birgitte Tüpker (verified owner)

    Thank you Nelson for this fantastic and helpful plugin – no other expensive form plugins needed now.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      You’re welcome, Birgitte! That’s so awesome to hear you can replace the other plugins with this, enjoy!

  13. Will Cunningham (verified owner)

    Fantastic plug-in! It took minimal time to implement and added tons of great features to Divi’s base contact form. Everything about the way it integrates into the Divi builder is intuitive and seamless. Excellent documentation. Worth every penny. Thanks, Nelson, you guys rock!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Will, I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying everything about the plugin! I really appreciate you sharing your feedback!

  14. Mark Heers (verified owner)

    A comprehensive range of features extends the Divi contact form module with lots of useful extras. While we were solving a specific issue (which it did well), features like the spam reduction settings appear worthy of a look as well.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Mark for your review! I’m so glad our plugin features solved your issue and that you are finding the additional features useful as well. We appreciate your feedback and support!

  15. Nick Jolliffe (verified owner)

    I use this plugin on every site I build. It adds so many useful features and it keeps getting better! The latest spam reduction settings are exactly what I needed, every website I manage receives messages from people selling SEO and I can now block this word. Very happy!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Nick, what a great use case for the keyword blacklisting feature! That’s awesome to hear you are using it on every site! Thank you for sharing, and keep enjoying the updates!

  16. Adam Yildiz

    This form is a fantastic addition to our website. It serves as the primary way for our clients to submit service requests. The form consistently performs well, offering features like file attachments, spam protection, date and time pickers, custom design fields, and more. Great work, Nelson! Keep it up.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Adam, that is so great to hear how you are using the plugin! I’m so glad you are finding all the features valuable, thank you for sharing!

  17. Anna Marginet (verified owner)

    Very useful plugin and easy to configure and use. Very satisfied with the purchase. I just wish the multi-step solution comes soon.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Anna, I’m so glad you are finding it easy to use and enjoying the features!

  18. Herman (verified owner)

    Great addition to the Divi contact module! Everything that is missing and much more. Thank you for this!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      You’re welcome, Herman! So glad to hear you are enjoying all the features!

  19. Diana Erwin

    Once again Nelson has made working with Divi even easier. This Plugin is worth the price and adds so many features for my clients that I didn’t know were available. Top that off with first-class customer support and a very timely response. I will definitely use this plugin again and again. Thank you Nelson!!!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Diana, this means so much to hear! You are so welcome, I am thrilled that you are finding this plugin so useful!

  20. Stefano Gabaglio (verified owner)

    Divi Contact Form Helper isn’t just another plugin; it’s a comprehensive solution that elevates your website’s communication capabilities. Whether you’re aiming to improve user engagement, streamline inquiries, or ensure seamless integration with your site’s design, this plugin delivers on all fronts. With its blend of simplicity, power, and security, supported by an excellent team, Divi Contact Form Helper by Pee-Aye Creative is an indispensable asset for any website.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Stefano, I appreciate that feedback and am so glad to hear you are enjoying the plugin!

  21. Amanda Peterson (verified owner)

    This plugin is great- when my last form builder plugin was discontinued, I was not looking forward to finding another one that had all of the options I needed. It seemed all were a monthly subscription just to get the one feature I needed. I gladly paid the small yearly fee for the Divi Contact Form Helper for the ease of not having to fumble around with and pay for another forms plugin, and being able to use the native Divi Contact Form, just with MUCH more options now. I love all of the Pee-Aye Creative plugins I’ve tried; they are easy to use and make my job so much easier.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Amanda, thank you so much for sharing this thorough review! I’m so happy you found this plugin and it is working well for you!

  22. Alexander Hofmann (verified owner)

    Impressive plugin! The responsive and helpful customer service truly convinced me. The seamless integration and quick resolution of issues exceeded my expectations.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Alexander, I’m truly happy to hear that feedback, and so glad you are enjoying the plugin!

  23. Kayleigh Nicolaou (verified owner)

    Thank the lord for Nelson and the PeeAye Creative team. It’s a major frustration that so many seemingly obvious things aren’t included in Divi as standard, but thanks to plugins like this one, we can create forms that do exactly what we need them to. Definitely worth the money 🙌

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Kayleigh, I’m so glad this plugin can open up so many new possibilities for you! Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. Mary (verified owner)

    Your videos have always come up in my search results and have been so useful so when I was searching for an upgrade to the contact form this was a no-brainer. Beyond what I could have expected! So practical and easy to use, took me minutes to have the form all set up and ready to go. I had already purchased the tab maker, which was wonderful, and looking forward to the Adventure Club when I get my next project or when the exchange rate comes down!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Mary, I appreciate that so much! I’m glad it was easy to set everything up, and that you are finding our resources so helpful! I hope you can join the full membership in the future!

  25. John (verified owner)

    I bought the “complete package” (Divi Adventure Club – Lifetime) from Nelson a few weeks ago and so far have only been able to dip a toe in the deep water of all the functions and possibilities of this “Swiss Army Knife”.

    Today I used the Divi Contact Form Helper plugin. This plugin is a must for anyone who wants to use the standard Divi contact form module because it adds so many options, taking the original contact form to pro level.

    I’m really looking forward to using Nelson’s other plugins and all the updates in the pipeline.

    Thank you so much!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you for sharing, John! It truly is the “Swiss Army Knife” I love that description you gave! Hope you enjoy everything we offer!

  26. Doeye Hof (verified owner)

    Superb plugin! It’s exactly what I’ve been needing for a long time. A very good investment indeed, it has enhanced my workflow significantly. Thanks Nelson!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      You’re welcome, Doeye! It’s so good to hear this plugin is helpful, thanks so much for sharing!

  27. Linwood Johnson (verified owner)

    The Divi Contact Form Helper is a great plug-in that really helps to advance the capabilities available to web designers who prefer the Divi builder. These capabilities make the use of Divi’s built-in form much more viable for a wider range of website needs: store entries, send to multiple email addresses, integrate with various automation services, rules based form processing, file uploads, now digital signature (new with v1.6 announcement), and much more.

    The Divi Contact Form Helper was my first introduction to the Pee Aye company and their products. They have a great overall ecosystem of products to improve your usage of the Divi builder.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Linwood for that thorough review! I’m so glad you found our plugin and our range of products!

  28. Pat McCarty (verified owner)

    Great feature rich plugin! I’ve looked at many Divi form plugins and Divi Form Helper is the best I’ve seen by far!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Pat, I am so glad you are enjoying the features in our plugin!

  29. Dani Kreienbühl

    I am very excited about this plug-in. It greatly expands the possibilities of the contact form. I’m curious what new updates will bring.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you Dani, I hope you continue to enjoy all the features it has to offer!

  30. Martin (verified owner)

    The contact form helper is the perfect add-on to the standard Divi form. No more contact form 7 needed. A lot of useful things – I especially like the file upload, date/time picker, hide labels, confirmation mails and the html anything field. I’m sure there is more to come. Support was also great when I had an issue. Was fixed fast and clean. Great plugin and definitely worth the money!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thank you so much, Martin! We are very happy to hear this, and appreciate you leaving the feedback!

  31. marcospolyart (verified owner)

    The best plugin I’ve ever found for Divi so far!
    I’m very happy to try out the Divi Contact Form helper. I can’t believe someone has come up with such a great tool that has everything you find in traditional forms and is totally Divi customizable. The best part is that I can even respond to inquiries directly from my backend. Other plugins don’t even offer SMTP. This is the best solution for anyone who runs Divi sites.
    I’ve been following Nelson’s job for a while now, and it looks like everything he does works perfectly because there’s so much passion in his work. Thanks for being a blessing to so many designers out there!

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      I really appreciate your review, thank you for sharing! It is a joy to provide these solutions, and especially when I know they are loved by customers like you!

  32. Andrew King (verified owner)

    Great Plugin! adds so many more features to the DIVI contact page. The support is excellent too, I had an issue with sending the contact form from mobile devices. but once reported to the support team, they resolved it within two days. and working over the weekend. A very happy customer

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thanks for sharing Andrew! We appreciate it, and are glad you are enjoying the plugin! We are planning even more great features that you will love!

  33. Thierry COURCET

    Hi Nelson,
    This a comprehensive set of features for that Divi Contact Helper plugin. You are really skilled. That gives me hope for the future of Divi plugins.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Hi Thierry,
      I am so glad you like the plugin! The future of this plugin is huge!

  34. Sean

    Excellent as always! And that custom WP login and registration form feature coming will make it unbeatable! 😉

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      Thanks Sean, so glad you like it! But now you are putting words in my mouth 🙂 I guess that will need to be “Divi Forms Helper” instead. haha

  35. Anshul Badjatya

    Awesomeeeeeee… I Love You, Nelson… One thing can we add bcc email or are you planning to give this functionality. Because I’m deeply looking for this option. Please let me know the update on this.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) (verified owner)

      I’m so glad you love the plugin! Yes these features will be included in version 1.1!

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