The Divi Taxonomy Helper plugin adds a special feature to the Divi Woo Products module that solves a serious problem with how their module displays products. Most ecommerce stores built with WooCommerce have multiple levels of product categories to organizer the products. But by default, Divi has some issues with how they display those products, and this is solved by our plugin’s feature.
Default Divi – Not Working! Shows Products From All Category Levels
Below is a screenshot of how Divi displays products by default, without regard to the actual category level the product is assigned to. Notice it is incorrectly showing products that are in lower subcategories. This is very poor, and if you have a WooCommerce store, customers are going to be very confused and frustrated as they try to shop by category.

Divi Taxonomy Helper – Fixed! Only Shows Products From Current Category Level
To solve the problem demonstrated above, go to the Theme Builder templates for All Product Categories and open the Woo Products module. When the Divi Taxonomy Helper plugin is active, a new setting will appear in the Content toggle of the Content tab called Only Show Products In Current Category Level. Enable this setting, and the problem will be solved!