Learn how to make any Divi section, row, or module stick to the top of the page when scrolling, which is especially useful for the header menu!

Learn how to make any Divi section, row, or module stick to the top of the page when scrolling, which is especially useful for the header menu!
This tutorial will show you how to change the Divi Theme Builder header logo when scrolling and replace it (swap it out) with a different logo image.
In this tutorial I will show you how to add icons to the Divi Theme Builder Menu module, in the main menu, the submenu, or in a mega menu!
This quick snippet will allow you to make your entire Divi Theme Builder header fixed even if you are using multiple sections and rows!
Today I’m showing you how to shrink the Divi Theme Builder header menu when scrolling while keeping it fixed at the top of the page.
This quick Divi Pro Tip will clear up the confusion and show you how to align the Menu Module in the Divi Theme Builder to the right, left, or center.
Learn how to create a Divi mega menu without plugins and how to style and customize the design of the mega menu with CSS.
This tutorial will show you how to add images to your Divi menu, in the dropdown submenu, or even in a mega menu and apply some styling with CSS.
This fun tutorial will show you how to add a point on top of the Divi menu submenu to the dropdown to add some extra styling and making it stand out!
This quick CSS code snippet and tutorial will change the Divi Menu Module hamburger icon into an X when the mobile menu is open.
In this Divi tutorial, I will show you how to style and customize the Divi Menu module dropdown submenu with CSS.
Today I’m showing you how to change the Divi Theme Builder header menu when scrolling, which enables a transparent to color background change!
NOTE: Keep in mind, this feature is only available for members of our Divi Adventure Club.