Can You Use Divi and Elementor Together?

Nelson Miller Profile Orange
Yes, you can use Divi with Elementor and have two or more WordPress page builders active on your website at the same time.

Most of the confusion and asnwesr about using Divi and Elementor together can be better understood when we break it down. The following points are the key to understanding how Divi and Elementor can and cannot be used together.

Divi Is Both A Theme And A Page Builder

  • A theme with Theme Builder and Page Builder
  • A plugin with the Divi Builder

Elementor Is Only A Page Builder

  • A plugin with the page builder

Can you use Divi and Elementor on the same website?

Yes, you can use Divi and Elementor together since both of these products are available as WordPress page builders. You can have two or more page builders active on your website at the same time. This is not ideal or recommended, but it is certainly possible.

The key is to remember that you can only use one page builder for each page of your website. In other words, you can’t enable and build a single page with two different page builders. You will need to choose which page builder, either the Divi Builder or Elementor, to use when you edit each page.

Can you use Elementor with the Divi Theme?

Yes, you can use the Elementor page builder with the Divi WordPress Theme. For example, Elementor can be used as the page builder and Divi as the theme. Keep in mind that the performance of your website may be slower since both page builders are active.

How to use Elementor with the Divi Theme?

Since Elementor is a page builder and Divi is either a page builder or a Theme, Divi needs to be set as the theme. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance>Themes and upload the Divi Theme. Next, go to Plugins>Add New and search for “Elementor.” Once you locate it, install and activate the plugin. After this, you may go to the page you want to edit and select the Elementor page editor.

Categories: Divi FAQ

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  1. john

    Maybe I’m overthinking it and should just stick with Divi and not worry about Elementor…. I love your various videos on customizing Divi by the way…. awesome content 🙂

  2. DeWitt

    Hello, i use elementor with dokan pro and wanted to use divi as theme cause my actual theme with elementor is garbage and i work with divi like for four years. I would make divi pages for all non dokan and woo related pages and elementor for all doka and woo pages, since elenentor has a deep integration in woo and dokan.

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi there!

      You can use Elementor and Divi together, the only issue will be the slowness of the website and the builder.

  3. Chip

    Hi Nelson!

    I like your content and find it very helpful.

    I am trying to achieve the effect of the interactive node background that moves with the cursor. I have seen this in Elementor, but I have been vested in Divi for a few years now. I have searched extensively, but can’t find a reference to using this type of background with Divi. This post made me think I might try Elementor for the home page, but I would rather not do two page builders in one site.



    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Chip!

      Yes, using two builders won’t be good for the site’s performance. You can contact the Elegant Themes support first and ask about the customization.

  4. Faraday Hosseinipour

    I have never built a website before. I was going to hire someone on Fiver who recommended Elementor Pro. Someone else recommended Divi. I bought Divi and Wix and thought I might buy Elementor, too. I don’t know which one is easier for me. On its face, Wix looks the easiest, but I am told there are many more benefits with WordPress, and Divi or Elementor are the way to go. Help!! Which is best for a beginner who wants to build a fully functional e-commerce site. Why is Divi better than Elementor?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Faraday,
      It’s great to see you asking the big questions and wanting to make the right decision. In general, there is no right or wrong. The wonderful thing about WordPress is the abundance of choices. Almost everything about WordPress has more than one way to do something, and more than one solution or feature in multiple products. In our case, we happen to love Divi’s interface and the community is unlike any other, so we chose that years ago and stuck with it. Over the years I have learned from personal experience and countless others that it is helpful to test multiple things and find what you like and stick to it. Many users switch over and over from one page builder to another each time a new shiny bell or whistle is released. This is not efficient though, and I have heard from many who have chosen one and gotten really good at one rather than only getting a little good at all of them. So it really is up to you. You can read 100 opinions on the matter, all sayng the other one is worse, etc, but they can’t all be right – it comes down to experience and what you like better for your needs or preferences.

  5. Jessie

    Hi, Quick question. I primarily use Divi to build my pages but recently I had to pay someone to help me build a couple of pages and they used Elementor. My website hasn’t been the same since, it’s been glitchy and keeps reverting back to the old paragraphs I’ve used or old images when trying to edit something. I’m thinking, but hoping it’s not the conflicting elements. I really can’t afford to lose time rebuilding those pages I paid for in Divi, any suggestions?

  6. Precious Selasi

    So I am trying to create a Menu with multiple sub-menus. (Let’s use levels to differentiate them). So the goal is to make a menu where Level 1 is a dropdown that extends right beneath the Menu Name. Level 2 should extend within level 1. (I’d differentiate level 2 from level 1 by using a smaller font size and weight). Level 3 should extend to the right. Is it possible to achieve this with Divi although I’m using the Elementor plugin on a theme??

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hey Precious,

      I guess with both Divi and Elementor, there is no direct way to achieve this, you need to use custom CSS for this purpose.

  7. Shalics


    I am using Dive theme with Elementor. The issue is, if I use elementor header and builder, it will create a conflict. What is the workaround for this issue?

  8. mridul

    when i try to build the divi header using elementor it is nto load. it say enable safe mode !

  9. Iris

    Hello Nelson,

    Thanks for your article and advice! After reading through all the answers, I still have the following question: I have a project that involves improving and updating a site that was originally built with both Elementor and Divi. My preference is to use Divi only.

    Is there a safe and hopefully, easy way to changeover the pages built with Elementor, over to Divi, so that the site doesn’t crash? I assume the pages need to be transitioned one-by-one, but I’m not sure how to do this without any damage. Also, would it be okay to do this while the site is live?

    Thank you,

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hey Iris,

      I guess the best way would be to create all the pages that are in Elementor to Divi and after all the pages are done you can simple replace those pages with the ones using Elementor.

  10. Hemant Sahu

    Hi, Sir my question is very clear if my current website was built using free elementor and now I have Divi premium so can I rebuild my website using Divi builder and remove elementor without loosing my website traffic or does it affect the SEO part?
    Could you please help me in answering my question?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      SEO is based on hundreds of factors, but in this case the main factor is content. If the content and structure of the page will be the same, I don’t see why it would impact SEO but we are not experts in that.

  11. Bruce J

    Thanks for the quick answer on that. I’ll let you know how it goes as we try Elementor on our Divi site.

  12. Ellie


    I’m using the free version of Elementor on my website and I’m thinking to buy Divi for certain purposes. Are they compatible when I’m using them on different pages? Or would be better to create the website just with one of the page builders?

    Thanks so much!

  13. Jacob

    I am thinking of designing free Custom Dashboard and I found that with elementor we can do easily with the plugin- elementor welcome dashboard but for DIVI I have to use Divi Ghoster with some prices.

    Now, I am thinking of using elementor just to design custom dashboard and DIVI for all other purpose.

    Doing this is okey? will this going to hamper my website performance or speed?


    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hey Jacob,

      If you feel more comfortable in terms of making a dashboard with Elementor then you can do that for sure. You can only be using either Elementor or Divi when it comes to building a page but when you have activated the Divi theme and you using Elementor to create a specific page then to load that page Divi theme will call certain functions on the page and Elementor will do the same so I guess it might hamper the performance of that specific page but to what extent is something you need to create and check.

      Let me know how it goes.

  14. Tirsit

    Hi, my question is I have both builders I’m using on my pages. the first page I build with Divi and the second page doing with Elementor but the first page that I build with Divi become messed what can I do?
    Thank you.

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Could you please explain that what is happening with the Divi page in little more detail? If possible, please try to add the URL of the page on which this issue is happening.

  15. David

    I trusted this article and bought Elementor and tried to use it with my Divi theme and it just crashed my site. An “internal server error 500” showed up. So I’ve just uninstalled Elementor and now I’m reclaiming my money back guarantee.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi David,
      Well, that escalated quickly! An internal 500 error is related to your hosting server, not Divi or Elementor. Nothing in our article is wrong, but you can certainly do whatever you want!

  16. Saem

    In Divi theme I would like to use elementor pro instead of divi builder. Will there be any problems with my website in the future?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      The only problem would be performance, as loading Divi and Elementor, two large builders, does not make sense. If you want to use Elementor, then then using Divi as the theme does not make much sense when you could use a simple bare bones theme instead. What reason do you have for still wanting to use the Divi theme? Maybe that would help me understand.

  17. Nora J

    Have you ever used Divi with Visual Composer on the same site? I inherited a site built in a custom theme (not Divi). They are using Visual Composer which I find clunky. Plus, I am used to working with Divi. Can I install the Divi Builder plugin and create new pages moving forward with that instead, without terrible ramifications. I am reluctant to do so, because of site speed, but I could certainly get my job done a lot quicker with a tool I am used to.

  18. Ahmed

    One main issue I experience when i use Divi as a theme and Elementor as a page builder, is that Divi theme builder not working properly. Specifically, when i need to edit a layout added as a template to the Divi theme builder, it keep loading forever. I have to deactivate Elementor and edit the layout then reactivate Elementor.

    Does anyone experienced something similar?

  19. Andreas

    I would love to created a slide in menu using the Elementor Pro’s popup builder (like this
    But prefer to use Divi builder as my main page builder. Is it possible to do both… create the menu with elementor popup and build the pages using divi?

  20. Geoff Bransbury

    I have a basic website using the free Elementor. I need a new theme and therefore are considering Divi. I dont want to re-do all my Elementor pages. I find the Elementor good but basic now and am not sure whether the Pro will suffer the same limitations. Perhaps not but Divi looks terrific so would like to keep the free Elementor and pay for Divi as a Pagebuilder and a theme.
    I’m a bit confused by your comment above. If you install Divi as a theme, do you get the Pagebuilder too? If not how to add the pagebuilder?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Geoff,
      Yes, Divi is a theme and page builder. So you can use their plugin page builder on other themes, or use the built in builder that is part of the Divi Theme. It’s the same exact Divi Builder either way.

  21. Steve Krug

    Is it possible to use an Elementor widget with Divi?

    I’m paying for both (at least while I try them out to see which will work best for me) and happy to keep paying for both if necessary.

    For now, I’m inclined to use the Divi theme and builder. But there may be some widgets in Elementor that I’d like to use. For instance, Elementor’s Toggle widget has some additional settings that are very useful for me.

    If I have both installed, can I use an Elementor widget in pages I build with Divi?


    • Ahmed

      If you use the shortcode of the Elementor widget or any layout, you can just inject it within the Divi code module and it’ll show up normally.

  22. Virág

    Hi! My question is that is it possible to use a Divi template kit with Elementor?
    A uploaded the json files but its invalid.
    I hace an Elementor Pro license, do I have to buy Divi too?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Virág,
      They are two separate products and companies, and their layouts are not interchangeable. You will either have to use the Divi Builder or Theme to use a Divi Layout.

  23. Matthew Friend

    I have a specific question: You said to use only one builder on a specific page. I already own Divi (Lifetime) and dont’ want to spend 199.00 a year for elementor. But Can I use the theme builder part of Divi to create sitewide footers and headers, but use the free version of Elementor for the page content? (I have in mind mainly a blog site).

      • Matthew Friend

        I like Divi a lot (I have the lifetime license). I’ve read though on a few sites that Elementor leaves ‘cleaner’ code if it is deactivated. My thought is that while Divi is great now, if I ever need (or want) to move my sites to a different page builder it might make it easier. I haven’t personally checked the code from Elementor after deactivating it….. just going by what I read.

        In the past the majority of the WordPress sites I developed used Visual Composer (the version now called WP Bakery, not their even ‘newer’ version that has been renamed to Visual Composer) + several WP Bakery addons. It is an example I think of what I”m talking about: other page builders are much superior to WP Bakery plus it leaves a ton of shortcodes and junk if deactivated.

        Maybe I’m overthinking it and should just stick with Divi and not worry about Elementor…. I love your various videos on customizing Divi by the way…. awesome content 🙂

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