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Divi Social Sharing Buttons Plugin Feature Update 2.1

Nelson Miller Profile Orange
I'm excited to announce an update to our Divi Social Sharing Buttons module plugin with new settings and features.

▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆

New Features

Sharing Title Length

This new option enables you to set the length of the global sharing title. Just enter the number of characters that you want. Keep in mind, this setting can be adjusted for Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. On the ahrefs blog, they say “There’s no official guidance on this, but 40 characters for mobile and 60 for desktop is roughly the sweet spot.” Please check these resources for more information:

sharing title text length setting in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module

Print Button

It’s a little crazy, but yes, apparently people still print things with actual paper! Several customers asked for this, so of course we said sure, why not! Now you can add a print button as a network, and style and customize it just like the other buttons. Clicking the button opens the browser’s print dialog screen.

print button in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module

URL Query Parameters

Those who are into marketing will be very happy about this new feature. You can now choose which data you want to include in the sharing URL as query arguments by adding custom URL query parameters for the sharing link URL. Simply enable the setting in the Sharing Options and enter the URL query parameters that you would like to include in your sharing link URL. Now when people click the link on social platforms, the admin can utilize this information for their marketing campaigns and analytics. Those who know what this is will be very happy, the rest of us can just be happy for them. 🙂

URL Query parameters setting in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module

Inline Share Title

Until now, the optional title text of the module appeared above the buttons (this is also how other Divi modules work). But we got a lot of requests to make this title inline, and we agree it is a very good idea. Now you can just toggle on this setting and the title text will be on the left side. Works best with only a few buttons or when you  use just the icons.

show title text inline setting in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module
example showing the title text inline in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module
example2 showing the title text inline in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module

Button Box Shadow Settings

This may not be the most exciting thing in the world, but hey, there were no box shadow options until now. Did you notice? Oopsie, now you can set box shadows using the main Design tab in the Box Shadow settings group toggle, and they will affect each social sharing button.

box shadow settings in the Divi Social Sharing Buttons module
Divi Social Sharing Buttons Maker Plugin by Pee Aye Creative

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