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How To Resize Divi Column Widths

Nelson Miller Profile Orange
Learn how to easily resize Divi column widths to any size you want with some simple CSS code applied directly in the row settings within the builder.

▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆

Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes

So We Need More Options…But What About All  The Extra Coding?

You won’t need any special code snippets and CSS classes that get confusing and messy. Instead, I’m going to show you how to do this right in the Divi Builder!

I wanted to make a solution that was easy for others to use and avoid confusing CSS media queries and custom classes. Good news…it couldn’t be easier!

I am very happy to say that I have a solution that is easy and very versatile.

Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
width: 10%!important;
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes

Obviously, you will need to change the 10% to suit your needs.

Be sure to past this in each column and change the numbers so that altogether they equal 100%.

Adjusting for Tablet and Phone

In case you missed it, you can now set CSS to apply to desktop, tablet, or phone within the builder. Be sure to check your tablet and mobile when you are resizing columns! If you forget to change the columns back to 25% each for example, they will look very bad. You may probably want to change the width of each column to 50% or 100% on the phone. NOTE: Stay tuned for another post on mobile columns stacking order and width coming here to the blog very soon!

Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
Example of how to resize Divi column sizes
  • I started with 4 columns set to 1/4 each.
  • In the row sizing, I set the row with and max-width to 100%.
  • While I was there I changed the gutter to 1.
  • In the first column with the logo, I set the width to 10%.
  • The second column with the menu is larger, so I set the width to 65%.
  • In the third column with the button, I set the width to 10%.
  • Lastly, in the fourth column with the social follow, I set the width to 15%.

This is just one example. You can resize Divi column widths with as many columns as you want and in any increment. I’d love to see what you come up with, so please share in the comments!

Do It With A Setting!

Make life easier and use the Divi Responsive Helper instead, the ultimate Divi responsive toolkit with awesome features and settings to help make your website look and work great on all devices!

Divi Responsive Helper Plugin by Pee Aye Creative

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  1. fldwm <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

    Hello, you are mentioning that this is a feature in Responsive Helper, but I cannot find that feature anywhere. I also looked into the documentation, also cannot find anything on this. How can I easily change the width of the columns with the Responsive Helper as mentioned in the article? Would appreciate if you can point me into the right direction, thanks!


Comments By Others

  1. Jimmy

    Hey I’m stuck on how to make it so the menu items in this header go as close to the button as possible without ever making the button look weird…..regardless of screen size…any idea?

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Jimmy!

      Please add a custom class ‘header-section’ in the section. Then add the following code:

      @media all and (min-width: 981px){
      .header-section .et_pb_row_0_tb_header{
      justify-content: space-between;

      .header-section .et_pb_column_1_tb_header{
      width: fit-content !important;

      Also, you can add custom width in each column’s settings > Advanced > Custom CSS for desktop mode

      Let me know if it helps!

  2. Mauro Ramón

    Hi Nelson! I applied your suggestion on the theme builder in the content area. I have a menu at the left, the content (post list, 1 column usually), and a column with some widgets at right. Well… the client didn´t like the list of posts in 1 column, so I used a workaround with grid (in the main content I add a HTML code block after the row with this code):

    .et-blog-css-grid > div {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));
    gap: 3%;

    And it does the trick. Splits the column in two.
    But when the time comes to show the pagination in the bottom (there are many posts), … the pagination appears in the last “place” (I think the remaining last cell in the (hacked) grid.
    I tried with custom CSS in the advanced tab, in MAIN CONTENT…
    .pagination {
    grid-column: 1/2;

    .pagination .alignleft a, .pagination .alignright a {
    color: #ffffff;
    background: #4a62c7;
    border: 2px solid #4a62c7;
    padding: .7em 1.3em;
    border-radius: 50px;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
    .pagination .alignleft a:hover, .pagination .alignright a:hover {
    background: transparent;
    color: #4a62c7;
    border: 2px solid #4a62c7;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
    But it not fixes anything. I guess the pagination resides in the blog column, (inside the loop that generates the post list) so the grid trick affects the pagination as well… and cannot make my mind how to fix it.

    Also: Cannot change the “Read More” text to change to “Read recipy” if the post belongs to RECIPY category… And change “older.. newer posts” pagination to a numbered one ” 1 , 2, 3 … 8″ for example.
    I think I will need a BIG plugin to resolve this problem. Or maybe it´s wrong-builted from the start… Any help welcome!!!

  3. Greg

    This is a great tutorial, and helps replace the extended column layouts plugin by sean barton. I wonder if you’d consider offering extended/alternative column layouts as part of the responsive helper plugin. Specifically it would be cool to see some alternative options like offered in the speciality sections, or more options in specialty sections. Thanks!

  4. Wyn Snow

    Hi Nelson — this works great for doing full width of browser. However, I want the custom columns widths within the “content width” of the browser (not sure what to call it). In other words, I want blank space to the left and right of the footer. I have 3 columns “inside” the content area. I could try making 5 columns instead of 3, but then my left and right columns won’t align correctly with the edges. Do I simply put something other than 100% in those two widths? I did try putting 1080px as the max width. But that didn’t fix my problem.

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Wyn!

      There must be some calculation error in the width value. You need to consider the margins between the columns and add the value accordingly. To provide the exact values, please share the URL of the page.

  5. Gioacchino

    10% + 65% + 15% + 15% = 105% ! Shoudn’t they equals exactly to 100%?

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Gioacchino!

      The first and third column width is given to be 10% and the other two are 15% and 65%. Please check again!

  6. rs

    I followed your tutorial and thanks for it”
    however, configuring the columns this way, when placing an icon or ‘blurb’ that is linked to a page, for example, the link occupies the entire extension of the column. instead of just the image. what am i doing wrong, or what should i do to make the link appear only when hovering over the image/blurb rather than the entire column?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      It is not clear to me what you mean, it sounds like you are asking something about links, which is not anything related to this tutorial. Be sure your links are on the module level and not the column level.

  7. Hassam

    Hello, I have a question for which I’m sure many developers are looking for an answer.

    Can I apply CSS to the Advanced Tab > Custom CSS > Main Element, for example?

    selector h2 {color: red;}

    selector h2 > span {color: red;}

    .my-row .my-column h2.main-headings {}

    .my-blurb .people-wrapper .people-block {display: grid;}

    I want add these in Advanced Tab > Custom CSS > Main Element. Is it possible?

    Why this question.
    I have a text module (text or blurb module) having many h2, h3, p, span and I want to change font-weight to 400 for heading and font-weight 500 for paragraphs, “`font-weight:400;“` isn’t present in editor so, i add a custom CSS class to that module and write CSS in theme editor E.g


    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h1,
    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h2,
    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h3,
    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h4,
    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h5,
    .wag-heading-font-weight-400 h6 {
    font-weight: 400;


    Instead I want to add these in “`Advanced Tab > Custom CSS > Main Element“` is that possible in any way.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      That would be impossible. The main element is already a selector like in a text module it is .et_pb_text so placing your code there would not make sense, which is why it does not work. I’ll make a tutorial to explain this more.

  8. Flo Nelson

    Excellent article. I knew I could resize with some code, but this is so much easier! Thanks.

  9. Jim S

    Is there any way to make the column widths automatically fit the contents? For instance — if you have 3 images of different widths and you want them lined up with equal spacing between them it would be nice if the columns could adapt to the size of the images and same with different width buttons or other graphics.

  10. Kirk Lewis

    Great information and I am a customer of the product! Thanks! Question though; So what does the red error [Expected RBRACE] mean when putting the width value in main element CSS area? That’s what happens for me.

      • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

        Hi Bob!

        There is an extra exclamation mark at the end of important. The property should be:

        width:60% !important;

      • Bob Nitrio

        I am having the same problem. The Divi article was no help. Here is an example of my syntax and is seems that it should work, based on the Divi article:


        When entered I get the red Expected RBRACE box beneath it. Any suggestions?

  11. Zechariah Manning

    Hi Nelson,

    Thanks for the great tutorial! Your helpful direction encouraged me to create a handy tool that auto calculates the CSS column “width” properties based on Divi’s gutter choices and desired number of columns (2 – 6).

    This tool works for both a fixed width or full width container as well. Now all you need to do is select the Gutter and Columns, then enter the desired width values for each column in the “Column X: % Width” fields (left side of form). The “Combined Width %” field up top will tell you when your columns = 100%.

    The tool takes into account the last column having no right margin and adjusts accordingly.

    An example would be selecting Divi’s default Gutter of 3 and also selecting 4 Columns. Then enter 20, 30, 30, 20 for the Column % inputs 1-4. The resulting width values in the right column can then be entered into Divi’s CSS, as seen in your tutorial.

    Divi Custom Columns

    Hopefully this helps someone and piggybacks on your great work here!


    • Neal Ghoshal

      Hi Zechariah (and Nelson) – thank you for the post above Nelson – super helpful. Zechariah – thank you too for your form – it’s genius brilliant and very helpful!

    • Edie Etoile

      It’s nice to see folks inspired by Nelson and pithing in with great little tools like your form. I’ve used it more than a few times and extend my warm thanks and regards to you, Zechariah, and to Nelson.

  12. Gerhard

    Thank´s Nelson!! From now on it’s easy! 🙂 You have helped me out of a jam many times! I have only one particular case that gives me trouble. A layout with 4 columns. But I want the two in the middle to behave exactly like the standard content, so for example a left-aligned text above and below have the same alignment. With percentages, of course, everything moves. But with exact pixel specification I lose the responsiveness. Is there a definition for this like flex-px-px-flex?
    Thanks in advance for your help

    • Hemant Gaba <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

      Hi Gerhard,

      I am not sure that I completely understood what you are stating so could you please provide a reference URL of the page containing the result that you are trying to achieve so that I can guide you in the right direction?

  13. Jose

    Really Thanks!!! i normally when we find some issues or need to do something like this think ” i need i new plugin” and start to search, try, install, uninstall so at the end the website finish with a big list of plugins only to solve little things, when the solution be into a little bit effort to learn and work more efficient.

    Thank for your help.

  14. mark

    Can columns in the Divi full width slider be adjusted? I would like to give my images a little bit more than the copy. Thanks!

  15. Erminio

    I used your tutorial and works great to my desktop view, however, for cell phone all the column stays compress in the same row, I didn’t understand why, can you help me?
    Thank you

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Erminio,
      I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean the columns are side by side on mobile? That normally is what people want to achieve, as this is not default behavior. So I suggest checking if you have added width to Tablet and Phone tabs in the columns.

  16. Nomore Mudzvova

    Thanks Nelson, this was very useful.

    What i discovered is that you also need to set the min-width and max-width for it to work. I dont know if it is the Extra theme that requires so or it is the latest update

  17. Rob Stephens

    This is probably the most important Divi tutorials I’ve found online – super powerful! You’ve solved one of my biggest headaches!

  18. Alice

    Thank you! This is so useful

  19. Erwan

    Hello, yeah, thanks a lot. Very usefull.

  20. Yogendra pratap

    Your explanations are simple and easy to understand 👌👌

  21. Melody Scott

    Thanks!! This helped a lot.

  22. Jeff

    Hi Nelson. New to WP and DIVI. But experienced CSS/HTML/JS programmer. This tutorial is what I needed to solve a current WP/divi site design. Created a row with 4 equal columns. Setup the Row styles as you indicated. Changed my individual columns to 15%, 50%, 15% and 20%. Everything sized correctly. As an example, I added another row with the default 4 equal columns. I placed Text, Text, Button, Button in the 4 columns of each row. We have lost something with the special row w/ CSS. When on mobile, or on desktop and you reduce the width of the display, the columns no longer stack underneath each other as they do with the default 4-Col test row. Instead, each column stays on the same horizontal plane and grows in height. This is somewhat OK for the Text Modules, but the button modules overlap each other. I have played around with your settings and it seems that ‘row width’, ‘max row width’, nor ‘gutter’ settings make any difference. In other words, if I just leave those at their default setting, everything works exactly the same, the row is just a different total width.
    It seems that Josh had this same question 4 months ago, and I don’t understand your answer or what the solution was. I don’t seem to have an option for ‘desktop, tablet, or phone’ when adding the CSS code. But perhaps I am missing the setting. I do have the latest/greatest DIVI code as far as I can tell.
    So, please, what am I missing here?

    • Marianne M

      OMG thank you so much, Jeff, for mentioning the hidden mouse-overs to change the views in which you are editing! You would think that it would automatically switch to those views when that’s the view that you are editing in. This for me is one of the many frustrations about Divi. But thanks for pointing this out to us newbies.

      • Jeff Jones

        Hi Nelson. Thanks. I watched your course. I now know, being new to divi/WP, how to set different settings for desktop/tablet/phone. Of course, being a hidden feature unless you mouse-over is not intuitive for a newbie, but I get it now.
        I have discovered a few things now that are also not intuitive that I think others in previous posts have stumbled over. So, in the interest of sharing (and thanks for all you have shared to get us all started), I will list those things for other newbies.

        1. Not obvious that grayed out text in Tablet/Phone settings for Custom CSS is what is being defaulted due to the Desktop setting. And not obvious why I can’t edit that. The answer is that you don’t edit that, you merely enter your own new setting by typing or pasting into the text box.
        2. Setting “width: auto!important;” for Phone, solved the overlapping setting applied from the Desktop setting of “width: 15%!important;” on one of the columns for example. Bingo! That was the answer to my problem.
        3. When in the DIVI editor with your page set to Phone mode, these changes are not displayed; the break-points. So, you make changes after changes and you don’t see them taking affect. But, save the changes and exit the divi editor (or bring up your page in a separate TAB in your browser outside the divid editor) and Voila! Now it is breaking as expected! One can waste uncounted hours making changes and wondering why you don’t see them taking affect in the divi editor. (That’s me raising his hand on this one; many hours spent wondering.)

        Now, once one knows these things, probably will never make the mistake again, and will plow ahead productively. But until one knows these tidbits, frustration and much wasted time.

        Thanks again for the tutorials and your availability to fill in the cracks via these questions/answers.

  23. Phil

    Hi there,
    I am trying to do the same with a 3 columns row in a speciality section. Unfortunately for some reason the row in speciality section doesn’t provide you with the ability to use a custom gutter. Any thoughts on how I can do this?

  24. amin

    This great. I design all my layouts on sketch app before I jump on divi and I struggled to match what I did in sketch when using divi modules. this is amazing solved all my problems thank you Nelson.

  25. Tim

    Hi Nelson!

    Thanks so much for this tutorial … It works smooth when using a regular column layout!

    Now my client wants to have a more complex layout, so I got to use one of the speciality column layouts. Unfortunately I can’t adjust the widths in the same way, since I can’t address each columns’ CSS individually …

    Do you have any idea about a workaround?

    Thanks so much in advance!!!

    Cheers, Tim

      • Mark <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

        Nope, doesn’t appear you can adjust specialty sections. I really can’t believe Divi hasn’t allowed for nested column creation and easily customized widths by now. So frustrating!

  26. Carol Fong

    Wow, Thank you so much!! This was very helpful with a client’s request.

  27. Joel Pritchard

    Hi, your tutorial looks amazing however I cannot find the options in my divi builder. Can you please help. As you can see i have no option in row settings to modify structure’s. All I can do is setup structure type please advise.

    Here is a picture

  28. Martin davis

    Hey. This didn’t work for me. In my row settings the max width is shown as pixels not a percentage like in your example. Is there any way to change this? Any help appreciated. Thanks

  29. andreas

    Perfect solution! Thank you so much!

  30. design

    Great tutorial. So I have implemented the CSS using 4 column. Looks great on desktop and the landscape view. But I can’t see the logo or menu in the mobile or tablet vertical view. I even tried adjusting the columns %. I see them trying to load but they are far below the header. Any suggestions?

    See Example:
    vertical tablet and mobile view

      • design

        Whew.. a lot of trial and error. I followed your tutorial on resizing columns.
        So far it’s working, except for one thing. When the menu drops down it is not wide enough. And looks off centered.
        Any thoughts how to fix this?

  31. Josh

    Thanks for sharing this Nelson. I just tried this with a 4 column footer on my website and it worked great on the desktop view. However, Divi automatically carried the “Desktop” Custom CSS code over to the “Tablet” and “Phone” views. So then things look super squished on those mobile views. I can’t find a way to get Divi to behave properly and not allow the Custom CSS to automatically overflow into the mobile views.

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Josh,
      Yes, by default with anything responsive it carries over. If you have the Desktop, Tablet, and Phone enabled when you paste the code in the Desktop, then it sounds like a bug, but you can simply override the width for each device. So maybe you want to put 50% in the phone instead of 25%. Let me know how it goes!

      • Mike Nelson

        I have the same issue with CSS. For example. I have a four column layout for my desktop. I’ve changed the settings for column one to 10% in desktop via the CSS width :10% !important; Then I change in the tablet CSS mode to 20%. Whatever CSS Width setting i use it goes across all devices. So my original setting of 10% desktop is now 20% due to the fact that I changed it for my tablet. Am I doing something wrong? Would this be resovled w/ your helper plugin?
        Thank you.

      • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

        Hi Mike,
        By default that is how Divi works, any setting you apply to desktop applies to tablet and phone. So it should work if you make sure you are placing a specific width in each device. Put it this way, it should work and it does for me, so otherwise if you are doing that and it’s not working, I’m not sure…

      • Mike Nelson

        oh… I thought the CSS was per device meaning I could set column A desktop to 25% and tablet to 50%.. sounds like what ever I make column A will be the same across all devices….
        Sound right?
        PS.. I really appreciate you taking the time to help!
        Update: It appears to work as advertised at the row level with different CSS settings per device. I was hung up trying to change the individual column widths inside the row settings which doesn’t work. Thanks again

  32. Tilak Conrad

    Superb – you have got a great teaching and presentation style. Thanks very much

    • Nelson Lee Miller

      Thank you Tilak, I’m very glad you like it!

    • Nelson Lee Miller

      You are welcome!

  33. jualjuel

    Awesome. Very useful tutorial. Thank you.


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