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How To Make A Transparent Header In The Divi Theme Builder (Like The Old Header)

Nelson Miller Profile Orange
This quick tip will show you how to create a transparent background with the Divi Theme Builder so it shows over top the page content (like the old header).
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder

▶️ Please watch the video above to get all the exciting details! 👆

Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder

Now your header section will be over top of the first section on your page! Save the Theme Builder layout and go take a look at the page where this layout is assigned. For more on that, go to step #3 below.

Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder

Here’s another look at the final result of our transparent Divi header built in Divi 4.2 and upward.

Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder
Assign the transparent header menu template across entire website the Divi Theme Builder

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  1. Daniele Brunengo

    Hello, great help! This works, but I can’t seem to get the header to have a transparent gradient background.
    If I assign a gradient to the .home .et_pb_section_0_tb_header.et_pb_section div, it just doesn’t show.

    • Daniele Brunengo

      I actually did it with z-index.

      • Gabbie B

        Had the same issue. It kept disappearing, but dragged z-index to 500 and it stuck.

  2. Theresa

    Hi I was trying to do this but at the moment I have on scroll a background header, different colour text and different logo. Is this possible with the new theme builder?

  3. Tim Fleming

    Thank you so much! I just spent the last hour trying to figure out why my background was white!

      • Jaydeep

        I am facing same issue, can you please advise me why my header looks white background instead of transparent as per tutorial? Can you please attach json file for header here?

      • Hemant Gaba

        Could you please share the URL of the website for us to investigate further?

  4. Keith Agnew

    Great article – but my header has two sections – I’m trying to make this work with a main menu section (transparent) and a top-bar (with background) – very much like the traditional Divi menu where we have a thin row above the main menu section. If I add absolute positions to these I lose my top-bar section. (thanks)

  5. Jorge Carbwood

    I made the header static and transparent, following this great tutorial. Now can I add some color once the page starts scrolling? If not, then the text and the menu are not readable. Any tips will be highly appreciated.

  6. Morris Jamlang

    So I was able to replicate what you have over here and it’s awesome. Exactly what I wanted! Kudos. But when I am trying to use the top menu or anything on the header, nothing is clickable. I checked on the inspector but nothing conclusive from what I see. I am still working on the site but I was wondering if it is something like a z-index issue or something overlayed on top of the menu?

  7. David Cuff

    Thank you very much for this very helpful post. I have not done this since prior to the Divi Theme Builder and found myself totally stuck again… Until reading your easy to follow article…

  8. Jorge Ad

    I make the menu transparent, but the problem is that the menu is behind the background full-width image I have in the page (hero section). How could I solve it?

  9. Jorge Ad

    Thank you! It works perfectly.
    I was using divi with another theme and the menu was placed behind the content, but I solved changing to divi theme.

  10. Santiago

    Doesn’t work for me 🙁
    1 Transparent backgrund in Section and menu item
    2 Adjuste position to top absolute

  11. Ben Wilson


    I love your site and all of the tips, Keep them coming!!!

    I have a minor issue. I had the transparent header (using Theme builder) working fine, I set off to work on the slider and somewhere along the line, the header is now white. I retraced my steps, but still can’t seem to fix it. Anyway you could take a look and give me some suggestions?
    Thanks and stay safe,

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Ben, I’m so glad you like my site and the tips! I’ll be sure to keep them coming as much as possible! 🙂
      So I took a look at your site, and it was like I suspected. The header is white (rather than the expected transparent) because the header is not positioned properly. I’ve said it before, and it’s kind of a joke, but you can’t have it transparent or we could see into your computer monitor. 🙂 It can only be transparent if it is over top of other content, but I can see the slider below is not being cut off by the header, which tells me the position is not set or not working on the header.

      • Ben WIlson

        Got it. I have 2 different custom headers. Home page uses your transparency trick, but on the inside pages, I tried using the script to prevent Fixed Divi Header From Overlapping The Page. Looks like I caused the conflict.

        Can I use script on all, but home page? or do I manually fix it each page?

        Thanks for your patience.

      • Ben Wilson

        Nelson: Thanks for the quick response. I still need a bit of help if possible.
        I use the code from on all pages except the home page )and one other). Is there a way to have a single page ignore this code?

        I am able to EITHER have a transparent header OR fix the overlapping issue. I’d love to be able to do both.

        Stay safe,

      • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

        Hi Ben,
        You can’t physically have both. You kind of have to to stop and think about it…you can’t have a transparent header above the content or we would see into your monitor 😉

  12. tim

    This was a great article. I’m wondering how you can do at fixed global header and make your logo and menu stay in place. Her is a example

    I can get the quote and phone number to work in a global header but when I add the menu and logo it doesn’t work.
    Is my approach correct

    Thank you

  13. Ryan

    Thank you! You saved me a TON of time.

  14. Shane

    Nelson, thanks for all of your tutorials and tips. Seriously, since coming across Pee-Aye, you have saved me so much time and so many headaches. Cannot thank you enough.

    This is a great tutorial as well, and it’s worked really well. Only one hang-up that I keep running into. With the dropdown menus on mobile and tablet, the dropdown menu items themselves also have a transparent background. When I go to change that in the module settings (I want a white dropdown background), it doesn’t change the transparent background. So then my dropdown menu items blend in with the header.

    Here’s a link to my staging homepage:

    Any ideas on how to get a white dropdown menu when the changes I make in the module don’t seem to do the trick?


    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Shane,
      Our tutorial does not affect the mobile menu, and from looking at the code it doesn’t look like the background color has been set in the dropdown menu background. Can you double check that?

      • Dan

        Hi Nelson,
        I have the same issue as Shane. No matter what I do, the mobile hamburger dropdown menu background is transparent.
        This seems like it may not be connected to this post, but I’m hoping you can help anyway!
        I can change the dropdown background menu in Divi to white, which works while in the builder, but as soon as I exit the Visual Builder and test out the live site, it’s back to transparent. For some reason, the changes don’t seem to be taking effect. I have tried clearing my cache numerous times and testing out different browsers as well.
        Any options for me?


  15. Jeni

    Love this! It was exactly what I was looking for with the exception of spacing. Can you add distance between the logo and text so it appears more like the traditional nav bar?

    • Nelson Lee Miller (aka The Divi Teacher) <span class="comment-author-role-label author-label">Author</span>

      Hi Jeni, so if I understand correctly your question is not related to this post. I’m sure you could do that, you could either add a separate image module for the logo or come up with some CSS to add some margin right to the image or margin left to the first nav item.

  16. Ryan

    Didn’t work for me

  17. Henry Antony

    Great support…
    I tried your guidance, but a white background is coming in top header, while scrolling down its shows transparent. but in header its white.
    Pls help to remove the white bg, tried some methods using Apperance>customize…
    this is my site link “”
    thank you

  18. Ernst <span class="comment-author-role-label"><a href="" class="comment-author-role-link" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">Divi Adventure Club Member</a></span>

    Hi, this works like a charm.
    Only problem is; I’m using this code for creating a full screen mobile menu. And by using an absolute position, it doesn’t work anymore on that page (I only need a transparent menu on the homepage) do you have a solution how I can still use both? Or maybe a better solution for full screen mobile menu? See:

     #mobile_menu, .opened #mobile_menu {
    position: fixed;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    min-height: 100%;
    max-height: 100%;
    z-index: 10;
    top: 0;
    border: none;
    overflow-y: auto;
    max-width: 100%;
    float: left;
    transition: all cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0, 1) 800ms;
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.5),rgba(0,0,0,0.5)),url( insert your image URL here );
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .opened #mobile_menu {
    transform: none;
    .opened #mobile_menu a {
    transform: none;
    opacity: 1;
    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(1) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(1) a {
    transition-delay: 100ms;

    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(2) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(2) a {
    transition-delay: 200ms;

    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(3) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(3) a {
    transition-delay: 300ms;

    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(4) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(4) a {
    transition-delay: 400ms;

    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(5) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(5) a {
    transition-delay: 500ms;

    .opened #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-child(6) a, .closed #mobile_menu .menu-item:nth-last-child(6) a {
    transition-delay: 600ms;
    .mobile_nav.opened .mobile_menu_bar:before {
     content: ‘\4d’;
    color: #fff;
    transition: all ease-in-out 300ms;
        z-index: 100;
    .mobile_nav.closed .mobile_menu_bar:before {
    transition: all ease-in-out 300ms;

    • Hemant Gaba

      If you want to use the CSS Styling only for the homepage then you can add the class home in the start of the selector and it will work on the home page only.
      For example if you want to use this code:

      .opened #mobile_menu {
      transform: none;

      for the home page only then add the home class like this:

      .home .opened #mobile_menu {
      transform: none;

      and this code will work for the homepage only.

      Please let us know if this helps. 🙂

  19. Miro

    Thanks, Nelson. Something that finally works.

  20. Mark Mapstone

    Hi. I’m going from a transparent header with a white logo, to a white header with a black logo. How would I swap out the logos using your code?


  21. Meghan

    Hello – Thanks for this tutorial? I am getting a white strip along the top of the pages even though the menu is transparent. Any idea what could be causing this?

    • Meghan

      Problem solved! I made sure the Absolute setting was on both the section and row sections as well and it fixed the issue! Thanks again.

      • Hemant Gaba

        Hi Meghan,

        We are glad that the issue is resolved now. Please let us know if you need any other help.

  22. Trisha

    I think divi may have changed something. Works great on desktop. on mobile, everything stacks on top of eachother. (the first section doesn’t move down past the header.)

    Ive used this fix for the time being. its not great. I bet you have a better solution 😀
    /* clear transparent menu in mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 981px) {
    .et_pb_section_0 {padding-top:50% !Important;}

    • Hemant Gaba

      Hey Trisha,

      It would be great if you share the URL for me to investigate further on this issue.

  23. Adéla Homutová


    Thank you for this tutorial but I doesn’t work well for me. I’ve got only bg color, not picture in the first section. If I set position of this section to absolute, it’s still under the header so I have to set negative margin to it to make this section reach the top of the page. And whole section has so small height when I set it to absolute that content of this section is not shown (it’s hidden somwhere “behind” the second section) and no size or margin/padding settings don’t change it. I can’t share link since this website is not public yet but I tried everything and don’t know how to solve this. Do you have any advice?

    • Hemant Gaba

      Hey Adela,

      Could you please share the URL of the website for me to investigate it further?

  24. Adrienne

    Hi Nelson!! I’ve used this great tutorial in the past and it’s worked fine! Recently though, when I apply the “absolute” quality to the position of the section, it will “disappear” and the other body sections will move up over it, but not behind the header. Was there an update with Divi? Am I missing something? I’ve seen this happen on at least one other demo site i’ve been working on. I can make the section go behind the header with spacing, but the following body sections still cover a large part of the hero image. Current test site is (be sure to use HTTP)

    • Hemant Gaba

      Hi Adrienne!

      Please set the section position to relative and then set the row position to absolute and it should work fine.

      Let me know how it goes!

  25. Joseph Haber

    hi, thanks for the tutorial. The problem is that once the position is set to absolute the sticky setting doesn’t work anymore.

    • Hemant Gaba

      Hi Joseph!

      Please enable the sticky position in the Advanced > Scroll effects. Then set the position sticky option to relative.

  26. Adrien Genin

    Comment *Hello, I’ve followed your tutorial, and it works great! However, I want my menu to scroll with the page, but when I scroll down, it disappears.

    Section: Position: Absolute
    Scrolling effect: does not stick

    Row: Position: Relative
    Scrolling effect: does not stick

    Menu: Position: Default
    Scrolling effect: Stick to the top
    Top sticky offset: 30px
    Offset for surrounding sticky elements: yes
    Default and sticky transition style: yes

    I would like the menu to be transparent as in your tutorial but to scroll with the page.
    I have more than 60 pages on the site (currently local), and it needs to be in the Divi Builder’s “Global Header.”

    If you have a solution, I am all ears.

    Thank you very much for your help.


    • Hemant Gaba

      Hi Adrien!

      Please set the section to stick to the top in Advanced > Scroll effects. After that, set the row to absolute in normal mode and relative in sticky mode. Keep the Menu module to default.

      Hope it helps!


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